Rice Recipes

chicken pulao | chicken pulao recipe

introduction of chicken pulao:


Chicken Pulao, otherwise called Chicken Pulao, is a tasty and sweet-smelling rice dish that began in the Middle East and Focal Asia. It has become famous overall for its delectable mix of delicate chicken, fragrant rice, and a mix of flavours that make for an enticing taste.

This dish is a culinary work of art, joining components of both meat and rice to make a fantastic and complete feast. The chicken is normally marinated in a combination of yoghurt and flavours, which adds profundity and delicacy to the meat. The rice, frequently basmati rice, is cooked independently and then joined with the chicken and flavours, permitting the flavours to merge together.

The flavours utilised in chicken pulao are vital to its unmistakable taste. Normal flavours incorporate cumin, coriander, turmeric, cinnamon, and cardamom, which add a rich and sweet-smelling aspect to the dish. Different fixings like onions, garlic, and ginger are often used to upgrade the flavour further.

Chicken Pulao is a flexible dish that can be modified according to private inclinations. It tends to be made with different options like vegetables, dried natural products, or nuts, which add surface and intricacy to the dish. It is frequently embellished with new spices like cilantro or mint to add a reviving touch.

Served hot and steaming, chicken pulao is a famous choice for unique events, social occasions, or even a soothing family dinner. Its tempting smell and lively varieties make it an appealing highlight on any feasting table.

Whether you love Centre Eastern or Focal Asian cooking or are just hoping to have a go at a new thing, Chicken Pulao is a dish that is certain to charm your taste buds with its mix of flavours and surfaces.

Sure! Here’s a recipe for chicken pulao:

Ingredients of chicken pulao recipe:

  • 2 cups basmati rice
  • 500g chicken, cut into pieces
  • 1 large onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 green chilies, slit lengthwise
  • 2 teaspoons ginger-garlic paste
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 4 green cardamom pods
  • 4 cloves
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon red chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon garam masala
  • Salt to taste
  • 3 tablespoons oil or ghee
  • Fresh coriander leaves for garnishing

Instructions of chicken pulao instant pot:


  1. Wash the basmati rice completely and soak it in water for around 30 minutes. Then, at that point, channel the water and put the rice away.
  2. Heat oil or ghee in an enormous pot or pressure cooker over medium heat. Add cumin seeds, a cinnamon stick, cardamom units, cloves, and a sound leaf. Broil briefly until they discharge their smell.
  3. Add the cut onions to the pot and sauté until they become brilliant brown.
  4. Add the ginger-garlic glue and green chilies. Cook briefly until the crude smell of ginger and garlic vanishes.
    Presently, add the chicken parts to the pot and cook until they are softly caramelised on all sides.
  5. Add the hacked tomatoes, turmeric powder, red bean stew powder, garam masala, and salt. Blend well and cook for a couple of moments until the tomatoes are delicate and soft.
  6. Add the doused rice to the pot and mix tenderly to consolidate it with the chicken and flavours.
    Pour in sufficient water to cook the rice. For some rice, you can use 1.5 to 2 cups of water. Change the water amount as indicated by your inclination for the consistency of the pulao.
  7. Cover the pot with a tight-fitting top and cook on low heat for around 15–20 minutes until the rice is cooked and cushioned. On the off chance that you utilise a strainer cooker, cook for 1 whistle and stew for 5 minutes.
    When the rice is cooked, switch off the heat and allow it to sit covered for 5 minutes.
  8. Eliminate the top and cushion the rice tenderly with a fork. Decorate with new coriander leaves.
    Serve the chicken pulao hot with raita (yoghurt sauce) or any side dish of your choice.

Enjoy your delicious chicken pulao!

chicken pulao recipe

nutrition of chicken pulao:

Here’s a table showing the approximate nutritional values for chicken pulao per serving:

Nutrient Amount Per Serving
Calories 450
Total Fat 12g
Saturated Fat 2.5g
Cholesterol 75mg
Sodium 600mg
Carbohydrates 60g
Fiber 3g
Sugars 3g
Protein 25g

Please note that these values are approximate and can vary depending on the specific ingredients and cooking methods used.



Chicken pulao offers a few advantages as a feature of a reasonable eating routine. Here are a few expected benefits:

  1. Top-notch protein: Chicken is an incredible wellspring of fit protein, which is fundamental for muscle development, repair, and the general turn of events.
  2. Supplement rich: Chicken pulao frequently incorporates various vegetables and flavours, giving a scope of fundamental supplements like nutrients, minerals, and cell reinforcements.
  3. Jolt of energy: The blend of chicken and rice in pulao gives a lot of sugar, which is an essential wellspring of energy for the body.
  4. Weight the board: pulao can be a fantastic and filling dinner because of its protein and fibre content. It can assist with keeping you satisfied for longer periods, possibly supporting weight loss by decreasing extreme nibbling.
  5. Advances muscle wellbeing: Chicken is rich in fundamental amino acids that are significant for keeping up with muscle wellbeing and supporting muscle recuperation after work out.
  6. Upholds bone wellbeing: pulao contains minerals like phosphorus and magnesium, which are fundamental for keeping up serious areas of strength for sound bones.
  7. Helps resistance: The flavours and fixings utilised in chicken pulao, like ginger, garlic, and turmeric, have antimicrobial and mitigating properties. These can assist with supporting your invulnerable framework and advancing your general health.
  8. Flexibility: Chicken pulao can be modified by adding various vegetables, spices, and flavours as per individual inclinations and dietary necessities, making it an adaptable and versatile dish.

Keep in mind that the general advantages of pulao depend upon the fixings and cooking techniques utilised. It’s critical to utilise lean chicken cuts, whole grains, and a fair blend of vegetables to expand the dietary benefit of the dish.

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What is the difference between chicken biryani and chicken Pulao?

Chicken biryani and chicken pulao are both famous rice dishes in South Asian food, yet they have a few vital contrasts concerning planning, fixings, and flavour profiles. Here is a breakdown of their differentiations: Planning strategy: Biryani: Biryani is ordinarily pre-arranged utilising the dum cooking technique, which includes layering, to some extent, cooked rice and marinated meat in a weighty, lined pot. The pot is then fixed with batter or a tight-fitting top and cooked on low heat, permitting the flavours to merge together through steam.Pulao: Pulao is by and large cooked by sautéing the meat and rice along with flavours and different fixings in a single pot. The rice is generally cooked totally with the meat, bringing about a more incorporated flavour profile.Fixing variety: Biryani: Biryani frequently consolidates sweet-smelling flavours like saffron, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. The meat and rice are cooked independently prior to being layered, bringing about unmistakable layers of fragrant rice and delicate meat.Pulao: Pulao will, in general, taste milder compared with biryani. It regularly incorporates fewer flavours, and the meat, rice, and different fixings are cooked together in one pot, permitting the flavours to mix.Layering and showing: Biryani: Biryani is known for its intricate layering strategy. The somewhat cooked rice is layered with cooked meat, broiled onions, spices, and sometimes bubbled eggs or dried natural products. This layering gives biryani its trademark appearance and considers various flavours and surfaces in each chomp.Pulao: Pulao is, by and large, not layered similarly to biryani. The meat, rice, and different fixings are joined and cooked together, bringing about a more homogenous combination.Flavour profile: Biryani: Biryani is normally more extravagant and perplexing in flavour. The layering of flavours, meat, and rice creates a dish with particular, individual flavours. The rice grains are frequently imbued with the smells of the flavours and meat, making for a delightful and fragrant experience.Pulao: Pulao has a lighter and subtler flavour profile. The flavours utilised are generally less articulated, permitting the kinds of meat and different fixings to radiate through. Pulao is frequently valued for its effortlessness and the manner in which it draws out the normal kinds of fixings.While both chicken biryani and chicken pulao are heavenly rice dishes, the distinctions in their cooking procedures, fixings, and flavours put them aside. It at last boils down to individual inclination with regards to which one you could appreciate more.

What to eat with chicken pulao?

Chicken pulao is a delightful and fragrant rice dish that pairs well with different side dishes. Here are a few choices to consider while choosing what to eat with chicken pulao: Raita: Raita is a revitalising yoghurt-based side dish that supplements the heat of pulao. It very well may be made with yoghurt, cucumber, tomatoes, onions, and different flavours. Salad: A new serving of mixed greens can make a pleasant difference to the warm and exquisite kinds of pulao. Think about making a basic green serving of mixed greens with lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, and a tart dressing. Pickles: Adding at least one or two kinds of pickles, for example, mango pickle or blended vegetable pickle, can add a tart and fiery component to your dinner. Papadums: Papadums are slight, firm lentil wafers that are usually filled in as a side dish in Indian cooking. They can be cooked or seared, and they add a brilliant mash to the dinner. Yoghurt: Partaking in a little bowl of plain yoghurt with chicken pulao can assist with adjusting the flavours and have a cooling impact. Vegetable side dish: You can set up a basic vegetable pan-fried food or curry to serve next to chicken pulao. A few famous choices incorporate blended vegetable curry, bhindi masala (okra), or aloo gobi (potato and cauliflower curry). Partake of your chicken pulao with your preferred side dishes!

Why is it called pulao?

The expression pulao or pulav is derived from the Persian word pilv, which alludes to a rice dish. The Persians have a long history of rice development and have created different rice-based dishes, including pilaf. Over the long haul, the term and the dish spread to various locales and societies, each adjusting them to their own culinary customs. In the Indian subcontinent, pulao is a well-known rice dish that is normally made by cooking rice with different fixings like vegetables, meat, flavours, and sometimes saffron. The procedure includes first sautéing the fixings and then cooking them along with rice in a carefully prepared stock. This results in a delightful and fragrant one-pot dish. The expression (pulao) is accepted to have been acquainted with the Indian subcontinent through exchange and social collaborations with Persia (present-day Iran) during antiquated times. The Persians had a critical effect on the locale's way of life, including cooking, language, and customs. Accordingly, the expression pulao was integrated into the neighbourhood dialects, including Hindi, Urdu, and other provincial dialects, to allude to this rice dish. Over the long haul, different local varieties of pulao have arisen in the Indian subcontinent, each with its own special flavours, fixings, and cooking methods. These varieties are impacted by neighborhood culinary customs and the accessibility of fixings in various locales. In synopsis, the expression pulao started from the Persian word pilv, and it was acquainted with the Indian subcontinent through social trades with Persia. It has since turned into a generally utilised term to portray a delightful rice dish cooked with different fixings.


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