Desserts RecipesWinter Recipes

cinnamon rolls with apple pie filling and heavy cream

Cinnamon Rolls with Apple Pie Filling and Heavy Cream:

Cinnamon rolls with apple pie filling and heavy cream are a superb twist on the exemplary cinnamon roll. Imagine the warm, consoling fragrance of cinnamon and apples drifting through your kitchen as these grand treats prepare on the stove. It’s a winter recipe.

To begin, you’ll require a fundamental cinnamon roll mixture. Combine flour, sugar, yeast, and warm milk to make a delicate and pillowy mixture. Allow it to ascend until it copies in size, then, at that point, carry it out into a square shape.

Presently, for the apple pie filling! Consolidate cut apples with earthy-coloured sugar, cinnamon, and a bit of lemon juice. Spread this heavenly blend uniformly over the carried-out mixture, trying to cover each inch. Fold the batter into a log, then, at that point, cut it into individual rolls.

Place the rolls in a baking dish, giving them a space to expand. Pour a liberal measure of heavy cream over the top; it adds extravagance and guarantees a soggy and gooey surface. Heat until the rolls are brilliant brown and overpoweringly sweet-smelling.

While they heat, set up a basic coating utilising powdered sugar and a touch of all the more heavy cream. Shower this tasty coating over the warm cinnamon rolls straight from the broiler.

The final product? A wanton marriage of cinnamon-flavoured whirls, sweet apple pie filling, and the sumptuous richness of heavy cream These cinnamon rolls are ideally suited for breakfast, early lunch, or whenever you need a soothing and liberal treat. Appreciate.

apple pie paula deen
apple pie paula deen

Cinnamon Rolls with Apple Pie Filling and Heavy Cream History:

The historical backdrop of cinnamon rolls with apple pie filling and heavy cream is a great excursion that joins the rich practices of cinnamon rolls, the immortal allure of apple pie, and the liberal bit of heavy cream.

Cinnamon rolls, in their different structures, have been delighted in for a really long time. The idea of a moved batter loaded up with sweet and fragrant flavors traces all the way back to old times, with various societies contributing their own renditions. The cutting-edge cinnamon roll, as far as we might be concerned, probably developed from Swedish cinnamon buns, which acquired fame in the US in the twentieth century.

Apple pie, then again, has a well-established history in American culinary customs. Early European pilgrims brought apple seeds to the New World, and the organic product flourished in the mild environment. The principal recorded apple pie recipe traces all the way back to 1381 in England, yet the sweet really turned into an image of American food, particularly during the provincial time frame.

The combination of these two works of art—cinnamon rolls and apple pie—appears as though a match made in dessert paradise. Joining the warm, flavorful whirls of a cinnamon roll with the sweet and somewhat tart kind of apple pie filling makes for an ideal congruity of tastes and surfaces.

Presently, the expansion of heavy cream takes these rolls to another degree of debauchery. Heavy cream, with its high fat content, contributes a sumptuous richness to both the filling and the coating. This expansion changes the unassuming cinnamon roll into a more liberal and fulfilling treat.

While the specific beginning of cinnamon rolls with apple pie filling and heavy cream might be hard to pinpoint, most would agree that the recipe is a result of innovative culinary trial and error and a longing to lift cherished works of art. Today, these magnificent cakes keep on giving pleasure to the people who appreciate the blend of cinnamon-flavoured goodness, apple pie pleasantness, and the rich smoothness of heavy cream.

cinnamon rolls with apple pie filling and heavy cream
apple pie kit kat

Why Choose Cinnamon Rolls with Apple Pie Filling and Heavy Cream?

Picking cinnamon rolls with apple pie filling and heavy cream resembles choosing an orchestra of flavours and surfaces that meet up to make a genuinely liberal and noteworthy treat. The following are a couple of justifications for why this specific blend merits relishing:

  • The marriage of cinnamon rolls and apple pie filling unites the warm, flavorful notes of cinnamon with the sweet and marginally tart kind of apples. A great combination of two darling works of art completes one another impeccably.
  • Cinnamon rolls are known for their delicate and raw surface, while apple pie filling adds a delicious and thick component. This mix makes a great difference in surfaces, making each chomp fascinating and fulfilling.
  • Picture the grand fragrance of cinnamon drifting through your kitchen as these rolls heat. Add the sweet scent of apple pie filling, and you have a tangible encounter that goes beyond taste, making the readiness and expectation similarly charming.
  • The heavy cream takes these rolls to an unheard-of degree of extravagance. Its rich and velvety surface upgrades the filling as well as adding to the tasty coating that covers the rolls. The mysterious fixing adds an extravagant touch.
  • Whether you’re serving them for breakfast, early lunch, or something sweet, these cinnamon rolls are flexible and satisfying. They can be delighted in all alone or matched with a scoop of vanilla frozen yoghurt for an additional, extraordinary treat.
  • Cinnamon rolls with apple pie filling and heavy cream take the idea of solace food higher than ever. The blend of recognisable flavours and the lavishness of heavy cream make for an encouraging and fulfilling experience that inspires warmth and wistfulness.

In outline, picking these cinnamon rolls is a decision for a tangible experience, a superb bend on exemplary flavours, and a bit of extravagance in each nibble. Whether you love cinnamon rolls, apple pie, or simply delectable baked goods as a general rule, this blend is certain to win your taste buds over.

Cinnamon Rolls with Apple Pie Filling and Heavy Cream Recipe:

Certainly! Here’s a simple recipe for cinnamon rolls with apple pie filling and heavy cream, including estimated time, equipment, and serving suggestions:

How to make apple pie?


For the dough:

  • 2 1/4 teaspoons of active dry yeast
  • 1 cup of warm milk
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/3 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 cups all-purpose flour

For the apple pie filling:

  • 3 cups peeled and thinly sliced apples (such as Granny Smith or Honeycrisp)
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice

For Assembly:

  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream

For the Glaze:

  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 2-3 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • Mixing bowls
  • Rolling pin
  • Baking dish
  • Pastry brush
  • Oven


  • Preparation: 20 minutes
  • Rising time: 1-2 hours
  • Baking: 20–25 minutes
  • Glazing: 10 minutes


1. Prepare the dough:

  • In a bowl, break down the yeast in warm milk. Allow it to sit for 5 minutes, until foamy.
  • Add sugar, softened spread, salt, and flour. Blend until a mixture forms.
  • Work the batter on a floured surface until smooth. Place it in a lubed bowl, cover, and let it ascend until multiplied in size (1-2 hours).

2. Make the apple pie filling:

  • Consolidate the cut apples, earthy-coloured sugar, cinnamon, and lemon juice in a bowl. Put away.

3. Assemble the rolls:

  • Carry out the risen batter into a square shape.
  • Spread mellowed margarine over the batter, then, at that point, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
  • Uniformly circulate the apple pie filling over the batter.
  • Fold the batter into a log and cut it into individual rolls.

3. Bake:

  • Place the rolls in a lubed baking dish. Pour heavy cream over the top.
  • Prepare in a preheated broiler at 375°F (190°C) for 20–25 minutes or until brilliant brown.

4. Prepare the Glaze:

  • Blend powdered sugar, heavy cream, and vanilla concentrate until smooth.
  • Sprinkle the coating over the warm cinnamon rolls.

5. Serve:

  • Permit the rolls to cool somewhat prior to serving. Appreciate them warmly for the best insight.

Serving Ideas:

Serve the cinnamon rolls with a scoop of vanilla frozen yoghurt for a debauched treat.
Match them with a hot mug of espresso or tea for a superb breakfast or early lunch.

Presently, you’re prepared to partake in these delectable cinnamon rolls with apple pie filling and heavy cream.

Cinnamon Rolls with Apple Pie Filling and Heavy Cream Notes:

  • While setting up the batter, guarantee the yeast is completely broken down in warm milk and permit it to foam for the most extreme raising.
  • Ply the batter on a liberally floured surface to prevent it from sticking.
  • For the apple pie filling, pick a blend of tart and sweet apple assortments for a reasonable flavour.
  • Be inventive with the apple pie filling by adding a handful of cleaved nuts or raisins for additional surface.
  • While carrying out the mixture, hold back nothing in square shape to guarantee even the dissemination of filling.
  • Spread the mellowed margarine liberally for a rich and sodden outcome.
  • While cutting the folded batter into individual rolls, use a sharp blade or dental floss for clean cuts.
  • Organise the rolls in the baking dish with a little space between them to consider extension.
  • Pour the heavy cream over the rolls not long prior to baking for a smooth and gooey surface.
  • Watch out for the rolls while baking to forestall over-sautéing; they ought to be brilliant and somewhat firm to the touch.
  • Permit the rolls to cool for a couple of moments prior to showering the coating to keep the exorbitant from dissolving.
  • Modify the coating by adding a spot of cinnamon or a sprinkle of maple extract for additional character.
  • Serve the cinnamon rolls warm for the best taste and surface.
  • These rolls can be put away in a hermetically sealed compartment for a little while; however, they are best enjoyed fresh.
  • Try different things with various apple assortments and flavour mixes to suit your taste inclinations.

Pro Tips for Cinnamon Rolls with Apple Pie Filling and Heavy Cream:

  • Break down yeast completely in warm milk for ideal raising.
  • Foam the yeast for something like 5 minutes prior to integrating different fixings into the mixture.
  • Liberally flour the surface while massaging the mixture to prevent it from sticking.
  • Blend various tart and sweet apples for an even pie filling.
  • Get inventive with the filling—consider adding slashed nuts or raisins for additional surface.
  • Go for the gold square shape while carrying out the mixture for filling dispersion.
  • Spread mellowed margarine liberally for a rich and clammy outcome.
  • Utilise a sharp blade or dental floss for spotless and simple cutting of the moved batter.
  • Permit a space between rolls in the baking dish to accommodate development.
  • Pour heavy cream over rolls not long prior to baking for a smooth and gooey surface.
  • Watch out for the rolls while baking to forestall over-searing; they ought to be brilliant and somewhat firm.
  • Allow the rolls to cool momentarily prior to applying the coating to prevent the exorbitant from dissolving.
  • Tweak the coating by adding a spot of cinnamon or a smidgen of maple extract for additional character.
  • Serve the cinnamon rolls warm for the best taste and surface.
  • Store extras in an impermeable holder for a little while; however, they are best delighted when new.
  • Try different things with various apple assortments and zest blends to suit your taste inclinations.

Serving Suggestion for Cinnamon Rolls with Apple Pie Filling and Heavy Cream:

  • Match with a scoop of vanilla frozen yoghurt for a debauched pastry.
  • Appreciate close by a hot mug of espresso or tea for a superb breakfast or early lunch.
  • Present with a sprinkle of caramel sauce for an additional hint of pleasantness.
  • Decorate with hacked nuts or a sprinkle of cinnamon for added flavour and surface.
  • Go with a new organic product for a reasonable and invigorating differentiation.
  • Share it as a superb treat at get-togethers or potluck occasions.
  • Serve on a bubbly informal breakfast spread for unique events.
  • Warm up extras momentarily in the microwave and appreciate the gooey goodness.
  • Lift the involvement with a dab of whipped cream on top.
  • Appreciate a glass of cold milk as a work of art and a soothing mix.

Cinnamon Rolls with Apple Pie Filling and Heavy Cream Nutrition:

Nutrient Amount per serving (approx.) Percentage Daily Value
Calories 300 calories
Total Fat 12g 18%
Saturated Fat 7g 35%
Cholesterol 40mg 13%
Sodium 200mg 8%
Total Carbohydrates 45g 15%
Dietary Fibre 2g 8%
Sugars 20g
Protein 4g 8%

Note: Nutritional values are approximate and may vary based on specific ingredients and serving sizes.

Cinnamon Rolls with Apple Pie Filling and Heavy Cream Calories:

Each serving of Cinnamon Rolls with Apple Pie Filling and Heavy Cream is roughly 300 calories. Remember that the genuine calorie content might shift in light of explicit fixings and serving sizes.

Benefits of Cinnamon Rolls with Apple Pie Filling and Heavy Cream:

  • Partake in the magnificent fragrance of cinnamon and apples filling your kitchen, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
  • Enjoy the ideal mix of cinnamon-flavoured whirls, sweet apple pie filling, and the sumptuous smoothness of heavy cream for a taste sensation.
  • Experience the encouraging kinds of exemplary cinnamon rolls and apple pie in an exceptional and fulfilling mix.
  • Thoroughly enjoy the differentiating surfaces of delicate and pillowy cinnamon rolls, succulent apple pie filling, and the smooth wealth of heavy cream.
  • Whether for breakfast, early lunch, or pastry, these rolls are a flexible and satisfying treat suitable for different events.
  • The expansion of heavy cream lifts the rolls to another degree of extravagance, adding to a tasty and gooey surface.
  • Summon a feeling of sentimentality with the natural and cherished flavours suggestive of exemplary cinnamon rolls and apple pie.
  • Analysis with various apple assortments and zest blends to fit the recipe as you would prefer inclinations
    Fulfilling Treat: Indulge yourself with a delightful and rich cake that joins the best components of two darling pastries.
  • Offer these rolls to loved ones, making any social affair or festivity more awesome and paramount.


All in all, Cinnamon Rolls with Apple Pie Filling and Heavy Cream offer a great and liberal experience that rises above the limits of customary baked goods. The combination of cinnamon-flavoured twirls, sweet apple pie filling, and the lavish smoothness of heavy cream makes an ensemble of flavours and surfaces that enthral the faculties.

From the warm and welcoming fragrance that fills the kitchen to the encouraging wistfulness of exemplary cinnamon rolls and apple pie, these rolls reclassify the idea of solace food. The textural concordance of the delicate mixture, the delicious apple filling, and the wanton richness of heavy cream guarantee that each nibble is an excursion of fulfilment.

Flexible enough for breakfast, early lunch, or pastry, these rolls offer an imaginative turn that might be of some value. The chance for customization considers an individual touch, making each cluster an exceptional and tasty creation.

Basically, Cinnamon Rolls with Apple Pie Filling and Heavy Cream are something beyond a baked good—they are a festival of taste, a common joy, and a soothing treat that gives pleasure to any event. Whether delighted in alone or imparted to friends and family, these rolls have an enduring impression, making them a commendable expansion to the collection of liberal and noteworthy treats.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

how long to bake apple pie at 400?

Heat that pie at 400°F for around 45 to 55 minutes. Watch out for it, however—you need that brilliant covering, not a charcoal one.

how long to bake an apple pie at 350?

Heat your apple pie at 350°F for around 40 to 50 minutes. Try to watch out for it and utilise a toothpick to really look at the doneness by embedding it into the middle—on the off chance that it tells the truth or with only a couple of morsels, you're all set.

what to mix with apple pie moonshine?

Apple pie home brew is now a tasty treat, but to shake things up a little, you can take a stab at serving it over ice with a sprinkle of soda or carbonated water. You could likewise get inventive and make a homebrew mixed drink by blending it in with cinnamon bourbon and a sprinkle of apple juice. Remember a cinnamon stick for embellishment? Simply make certain to taste mindfully—home brews can surprise you.

how many calories in a slice of apple pie?

The quantity of calories in a cut of apple pie can shift contingent upon the recipe and size of the cut. All things considered, an ordinary cut of industrially pre-arranged apple pie might contain around 300–400 calories. Natively constructed variants can change considerably more, so it's generally smart to really look at the particular recipe or bundling for more exact data.

what to mix with apple pie moonshine?

Apple pie home brew is now a delicious treat all alone, yet in the event that you're hoping to stir things up a little, you can attempt a couple of blends. You could blend it with just a little bubble and a zesty kick. Another choice is to mix it with cranberry juice for a sweet and tart flavor. On the off chance that you're feeling daring, you might have a go at blending it in with a sprinkle of cinnamon schnapps for an additional cinnamon punch. Make sure to consistently drink.

are mcdonalds apple pies vegan?

McDonald's apple pies in the US are not vegetarian since they contain fixings like sugar and mono- and diglycerides that might be gotten from animal sources. Be that as it may, plans can change, so it's generally smart to check the most recent fixings list or talk with McDonald's straightforwardly for the most dependable and cutting-edge data.

what is french apple pie?

French apple pie, otherwise called tarte aux pommes, is an exemplary French pastry that highlights meagerly cut apples organised in a rich pie hull. The apples are frequently gently improved and, some of the time, enhanced with cinnamon or different flavors. A few varieties might incorporate a layer of almond cream or an apricot coat. It's a scrumptious and exquisite turn on conventional apple pie, exhibiting the effortlessness and complexity of French cake.

can you freeze costco apple pie?

Totally, you can hold up a Costco apple pie! Simply make a point to wrap it well in saran wrap or aluminium foil to prevent cooler consumption and keep it in a sealed-closed holder if conceivable. It ought to remain delectable for a couple of months in the refrigerator. Simply make sure to defrost it in the cooler prior to warming. Partake in your frozen pie.

how many carbohydrates in a mcdonald's apple pie?

McDonald's apple pie commonly contains around 44 grammes of gar. Nonetheless, remember that recipes and wholesome data can change, so it's smart to check the most recent data on the McDonald's site or reach them straightforwardly for the most reliable and state-of-the-art subtleties.

how do you know when an apple pie is done?

Extraordinary inquiry! With regards to apple pie, you need that ideal equilibrium between a brilliant, earthy-coloured hull and delicate, effervescent filling. Stick a blade or toothpick into the middle; in the event that it emerges with little opposition and the apples feel delicate when pierced, you're all set. Likewise, watch out for the covering—when it's a delectable, brilliant tint, your pie is prepared for its nearby.

can you mix apple and cherry pie filling?

Totally! Blending apple and cherry pie filling can make a tasty mix of sweet and tart flavors. It adds a special curve to the exemplary pie experience. Check it out and let your taste buds communicate everything.

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