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paya | paya recipe

Introduction to the Paya Recipe:

Paya, otherwise called ‘Paya Curry,’ is a conventional and flavoursome dish that began in the Indian subcontinent. It is a rich and fragrant stew made with delicate sheep or goat trotters cooked in a tasty mix of flavours. Paya is famous in different territories, including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

The dish is known for its unique taste and surface, with the trotters gradually stewed to achieve a soft, melt-in-your-mouth consistency. The use of bone-in meat adds wealth and depth of flavour to the curry, making it a good and fulfilling dinner. Paya is frequently delighted in with naan, roti, or rice and is usually filled in as an exceptional delicacy during happy events, weddings, and social occasions.

To get ready for Paya, the trotters are completely cleaned and stewed for quite a long time in a scrumptious mix of flavours, which ordinarily incorporates ginger, garlic, onions, and a variety of sweet-smelling entire flavours like cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, and straight leaves. The sluggish cooking process permits the flavours to merge together, resulting in a powerful and delicious curry.

Contingent upon local varieties and individual inclinations, extra fixings like yoghurt, tomato puree, or poppy seed glue might be added to upgrade the flavour and surface of the dish. The curry is generally decorated with new cilantro, hacked green chilies, and a crush of lime for an explosion of newness.

Paya isn’t just eminent for its flavorful taste but also for its potential medical advantages. The use of trotters in the recipe gives collagen, gelatin, and fundamental supplements that add to joint wellbeing and further develop assimilation.

Whether delighted in as an extraordinary treat or an encouraging feast, Paya curry offers an enticing mix of flavours and surfaces that are certain to please anybody looking for a real and soul-fulfilling culinary experience.

The Origin and History of the Paya Recipe:

The Paya recipe, otherwise called Paya soup or Paya curry, is a customary dish that started in the Indian subcontinent. It is a well-known and delightful delicacy appreciated in different locales, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and portions of the Middle East.

“Paya” alludes to the trotters or feet of creatures, regularly goats or sheep, which are the fundamental fixings in this dish. The recipe includes slow-cooking the trotters alongside various sweet-smelling flavours and spices to make a rich and tasty stock.

The historical backdrop of Paya can be traced back to the Mughal period in India, during the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries. The Mughals, who were known for their extravagant and complex cooking, acquainted different meat-based dishes with the Indian culinary collection. Paya was one such dish that acquired prevalence among the Mughal gentry.

Over the long haul, the Paya recipe spread across the Indian subcontinent, adapting to neighbourhood tastes and fixings. In various districts, varieties of the recipe arose, each with its own extraordinary flavour profile and cooking strategies.

In Pakistan, Paya is a dear dish, especially well known for breakfast or as an exceptional treat during celebrations and social occasions. It is frequently presented with naan or rice. Pakistani Paya is known for its rich and sweet-smelling sauce, which is accomplished by sluggishly cooking the trotters with flavours like cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and ginger-garlic glue.

In India, Paya is delighted in different states and networks, including the North Indian provinces of Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. In Punjabi food, Paya is frequently cooked with a base of onions, tomatoes, and yoghurt, bringing about a tart and hot curry. It is usually eaten with roasted roti or rice.

In Bangladesh, Paya is likewise a famous dish, known as “Paya Shorba.” The Bangladeshi rendition commonly incorporates a mix of flavours like nutmeg, mace, and fennel seeds, which give it a novel flavour.

In the Middle East, Paya is delighted by nations like Iran, Iraq, and the Gulf States. Iranian Paya, known as “Pacha,” is generally cooked with sheep or cow trotters and presented with bread or rice. It is frequently embellished with lime juice, garlic, and new spices.

Generally, the Paya recipe has a rich and varied history, with varieties across various locales. Notwithstanding the territorial distinctions, Paya keeps on being valued as a good and tasty dish, delighted in by individuals from various social foundations.

Paya Recipe:

Sure! Here’s a recipe for Paya (Paya Curry):

Ingredients for the Paya Recipe:


  • 4 lamb or goat trotters (cleaned and split)
  • 2 tablespoons oil or ghee (clarified butter)
  • 2 onions (finely chopped)
  • 2 tablespoons of ginger-garlic paste
  • 2 tomatoes (pureed)
  • 2 tablespoons of yoghurt
  • 1 tablespoon of red chilli powder
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon of coriander powder
  • 1 teaspoon garam masala
  • Salt to taste
  • Fresh cilantro (for garnish)
  • Green chilies (chopped, for garnish)
  • Lime wedges (for serving)

Instructions for the Paya Recipe:


  1. Clean the sheep’s or goat’s trotters completely. You can request that your butcher split them for you.
  2. In a huge pot, heat oil or ghee over medium heat. Add the hacked onions and sauté until brilliant brown.
  3. Add the ginger-garlic glue and cook briefly until fragrant.
  4. Add the tomato puree and cook for a couple of moments until the oil separates from the masala.
  5. Lessen the intensity and add the yoghurt, red bean stew powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, garam masala, and salt. Blend well to join the flavours.
  6. Add the cleaned trotters to the pot and coat them with the zest combination. Cook for a couple of moments, mixing once in a while.
  7. Empty sufficient water into the pot to totally cover the trotters. Heat the blend to the point of boiling.
  8. When it begins bubbling, decrease the intensity to low, cover the pot, and let it stew for 3–4 hours, or until the trotters become delicate and the curry thickens. You can likewise use a strainer to cook the trotters quicker.
  9. When the trotters are delicate, check for preparation and change if necessary.
  10. Serve the Paya curry hot, embellished with new cilantro and hacked green chilies. Press a wedge of lime over the curry for added tartness.
  11. Paya is normally enjoyed with naan, roti, or rice.

Note: The cooking time might differ depending on the delicacy of the trotters, so change in like manner. It’s vital to cook them until they are delicate and coagulated.Partake in your delightful and good Paya curry!

paya recipe

Serving Suggestion for Paya Recipe:

Sure! Here is a serving idea for Paya curry:

  1. Paya is customarily served hot with naan, a kind of Indian bread. Detach a piece of naan and use it to gather up the delicate meat and delightful curry. The delicate and chewy surface of naan supplements the rich flavours of Paya.
  2. Then again, you can serve Paya with freshly steamed basmati rice. The sweet-smelling rice coordinates well with the exquisite curry, permitting you to partake in the flavours in each nibble.
  3. Embellish the Paya curry with new cilantro and cleaved green chilies for added newness and a touch of fieriness. The lively green varieties will make the dish all the more outwardly engaging.
  4. Put lime wedges as an afterthought for individuals to press over their serving of Paya. The tart citrus juice upgrades the kinds of curry and gives them an invigorating differentiation.
  5. Consider serving Paya as a feature of a bigger feast spread. It very well may be the star dish on a happy or extraordinary event menu. Go with it with other customary Indian side dishes like raita (a yoghurt-based dip), biryani (a fragrant rice dish), or different vegetable curries to make a different and fulfilling dinner.
  6. Paya is a good and tasty dish, so make a point to serve it in liberal bits to satisfy your visitors. It is a well-known decision for family social events, festivities, or when you need to give your friends and family a unique feast.

Make sure to give serving utensils with the goal that everybody can take the heavenly Paya curry. Partake in the dinner and the rich kinds of this conventional delicacy!

Pro Tips for Paya Recipe:

Surely! Here are a few ace tips to upgrade your curry:

  1. Cleaning the trotters: Completely clean the trotters by scouring them with a brush under running water. You can likewise absorb them in cold water with a tablespoon of vinegar for around 30 minutes to assist with eliminating any contamination. This step guarantees that your Paya curry is perfect and free from any undesirable flavours.
  2. Tenderising the trotters: Paya requires slow cooking to achieve delicate and thick meat. On the off chance that you’re in a rush, consider using a strainer cooker to accelerate the cooking process. Cook the trotters in the tension cooker for around 30–40 minutes, or until they become delicate.
  3. Spice customization: Go ahead and change the flavour levels to suit your taste inclinations. In the event that you favour a milder curry, decrease the amount of red stew powder or discard the cleaved green chilies. Then again, in the event that you like it spicier, add a touch more red bean stew powder or incorporate a couple of extra green chilies.
  4. Flavour infusion: For upgraded flavour, consider marinating the cleaned trotters with ginger-garlic glue, yoghurt, and a spot of salt for two or three hours or short-term in the fridge. This step permits the flavours to enter the meat, bringing about a more tasty Paya curry.
  5. Slow cooking technique: To obtain the best outcomes, cook the Paya curry on low heat for a lengthy period. This sluggish cooking procedure permits the flavours to develop and the meat to become delicate. Mix the curry sometimes to forestall staying and guarantee, in any event, cooking.
  6. Skimming the fat: As the curry cooks, you might see some fat drifting on a superficial level. Use a scoop to skim off the excess fat and dispose of it. This decreases the lavishness of the curry and makes it lighter.
  7. Resting time: Permit the Paya curry to rest for quite a while in the wake of cooking. This resting period permits the flavours to further merge together, resulting in a more delightful and strong dish. Warming the curry prior to serving will assist with drawing out the flavours much more.

By following these ace tips, you’ll have the option to make a tasty and real Paya curry that will intrigue your loved ones. Partake in the brilliant flavours and surfaces of this exemplary dish!


Here’s a table presenting the approximate nutritional information for Paya curry per serving:

Nutrient Percentage (%)*
Calories 15%
Total Fat 18%
Saturated Fat 27%
Cholesterol 20%
Sodium 13%
Carbohydrates 4%
Fibre 1%
Protein 35%
Vitamin A 3%
Vitamin C 6%
Calcium 4%
Iron 15%

Note: The qualities referenced above are assumed and can differ in view of the particular fixings utilised and the cooking technique. Rates depend on a 2,000-calorie diet and act as a basic principle.

Paya curry is a rich and delightful dish that is moderate in calories and provides a lot of protein. It is higher in fat because of the utilisation of trotters, but it additionally offers fundamental supplements, for example, iron, which is significant for solid blood dissemination. The dish likewise contains nutrients like vitamin A and L-ascorbic acid, along with minerals like calcium and sodium.

Remember that the dietary substance can change contingent upon the particular fixings utilised and segment sizes. It’s always smart to talk with a medical professional or nutritionist for more exact data in light of your particular dietary requirements and the fixings used in your recipe.

Benefits of the Paya Recipe:

Paya curry offers a couple of likely benefits due to its trimmings and cooking procedure:

  1. Joint wellbeing: Paya curry is essentially created utilising sheep or goat trotters, which are rich in collagen and gelatin. These parts contribute to joint prosperity and may help support tendons and connective tissues.
  2. Stomach-related help: The gelatin content in Paya curry can assist with osmosis by propelling the making of gastric presses and supporting the covering of the gastrointestinal framework. It could also help quiet and retouch the stomach-related system.
  3. Supplement rich: Paya curry contains basic enhancements like protein, iron, calcium, and supplements like vitamin A and L-ascorbic acid. These enhancements expect fundamental jobs in staying aware of general prosperity, including supporting muscle ability, propelling blood prosperity, and aiding the safe structure.
  4. Satiety: Due to the rich and brilliant nature of Paya curry, it can give a vibe of satiety and satisfaction directly following consumption. The mix of protein and strong fats helps keep you full for longer periods, perhaps diminishing revelling.
  5. Culinary variety: Examining different food sources and recipes like Paya curry can mix it up and add energy to your blowouts. Trying new flavours and dishes can develop your sense of taste and make dinner time more pleasing.
  6. Merry and celebratory dish: curry is often served during extraordinary occasions, festivities, and merriments. Participating in this standard dish with friends and family can bring a sense of cooperation and joy.

It’s imperative to observe that solitary experiences could move, and the benefits referred to rely upon the trimmings and cooking methodologies regularly used in curry. Moreover, if you have a specific dietary prerequisite or clinical issue, it’s judicious to chat with a clinical expert or nutritionist to determine how Paya Curry can fit into your general eating routine.


While Paya Curry offers a few possible advantages, taking into account a few likely disservices is also significant.

  1. High fat content: Paya curry is normally made using sheep or goat trotters, which can be high in fat, including immersed fat. Exorbitant utilisation of soaked fat might increase the risk of coronary illness and other medical problems. It’s prudent to consume Paya curry with some restraint and consider utilising more streamlined cuts of meat or cutting back on excess to lessen the general fat content.
  2. High calorie content: Because of the utilisation of meat and cooking strategies included, Paya curry can be generally high in calories. Overconsumption of calorie-rich food varieties might contribute to weight gain or obstruct the executive’s weight-loss endeavours. It’s vital to be aware of piecemeal measures and integrate Paya curry as a feature of a fair eating regimen.
  3. Sodium content: Paya curry frequently incorporates flavours, which might add to a higher sodium content. Exorbitant sodium intake can be risky for people with hypertension or certain ailments. It’s prescribed to use negligible salt and settle on lower-sodium choices while getting ready Paya curry.
  4. Gelatinous texture: The coagulated surface of the trotters in Paya curry may not be interesting to everybody. A few people might think that it is obnoxious or experience issues consuming dishes with such surfaces.
  5. Allergies and dietary restrictions: Paya curry contains creature items, making it inadmissible for those following a vegetarian or vegan diet. Also, people with explicit dietary limitations or sensitivities ought to be wary of the flavours and fixings used in the recipe.
  6. Time-consuming preparation: Planning Paya curry can consume time, as it includes cleaning the trotters completely and slow cooking them for a few hours. This may not be viable for people with occupied schedules or restricted time for cooking.

It’s essential to consider these possible detriments while appreciating Paya curry. Adjusting the recipe to suit individual dietary necessities, utilising better cooking strategies, and practising control can assist with moderating a portion of these worries. As usual, talking with a medical professional or nutritionist can give you customised direction in view of your particular wellbeing needs and dietary inclinations.


All in all, Paya curry is a conventional and flavorful dish made with sheep or goat trotters. It offers a rich and fragrant culinary experience, well known in different local cooking styles. While Paya curry has potential medical advantages like supporting joint wellbeing, giving fundamental supplements, and advancing satiety, there are additional considerations to remember.

The dish’s high fat and calorie content, along with its sodium levels, ought to be considered for people dealing with their weight, watching their saturated fat intake, or managing specific ailments. Adjusting the recipe to utilise more slender cuts of meat, cutting back on excess, directing part sizes, and utilising negligible salt can assist with tending to these worries.

Furthermore, the coagulated surface of the trotters and the tedious arrangement cycle might be variables to think about in view of individual inclinations and way of life limitations.

Generally speaking, Paya curry can be delighted in as an exceptional delicacy, especially during merry events, yet moving towards it as a feature of a reasonable and shifted diet is fundamental. By being aware of fixings, segment sizes, and individual dietary necessities, one can relish the flavours and expected advantages of this customary dish while maintaining a solid and balanced approach to eating.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a paya made of?

Paya is a customary South Asian dish that is produced using the trotters or feet of creatures, commonly goats or sheep. It is ready by sluggishly cooking the feet with different fragrant flavours and spices to make a delightful and rich stock.

How long does it take to cook paya?

The cooking time for paya can change depending on the recipe and the cooking procedure used. Generally, it takes around 2 to 3 hours to cook paya on a burner. In any case, if you're using a pressure cooker, the cooking time can be decreased to something like 45 minutes to an hour.

What is paya called in English?

Paya is commonly known as trotters in English.

What to eat with mutton paya?

Mutton paya, a customary South Asian dish made with goat or sheep trotters, is frequently presented with different backups. A few famous choices to appreciate with lamb paya include naan (conventional bread), rice, roti (flatbread), or sheer khurma (vermicelli pudding). You can likewise coordinate it with a side of salad or raita (a yoghurt-based fixing) for a refreshing difference.

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