Desserts Recipes

mango sticky rice

Introduction to Mango Sticky Rice:

Here we are discussing the mango sticky rice. It’s a desserts recipe. Mango sticky rice is a delightful and famous pastry from Thailand. It is a straightforward yet superb blend of new mangoes, sticky rice, and coconut milk. This treat has acquired ubiquity overall for its special mix of flavours and surfaces.

Sticky rice, otherwise called glutinous rice or sweet rice, is the vital fixing in this dish. Short-grain rice becomes sticky and chewy when cooked. The rice is soaked in water for a couple of hours and then steamed until it reaches a delicate and sticky consistency.

The mangoes utilised in this pastry are commonly ready, sweet, and fragrant. The most well-known assortment utilised is the Thai mango, otherwise called “Nam Dok Mai.” These mangoes are valued for their succulent tissue and tropical fragrance, which adds an explosion of newness to the dish.

To make mango sticky rice, the cooked sticky rice is joined with a coconut sauce produced using coconut milk, sugar, and salt. The sauce is warmed until it thickens somewhat and is then poured over the rice, allowing it to absorb the flavours. The sweet and rich coconut sauce supplements the sticky rice and upgrades its taste.

The dish is generally presented with slices of new mango on top and, at times, embellished with toasted sesame seeds or a sprinkle of fresh mung beans. The mix of the delicate, sticky rice, the delicious mangoes, and the rich coconut sauce makes an agreeable mix of sweet, smooth, and tropical flavours.

Mango sticky rice is often enjoyed as a pastry, but it can also be eaten as a tidbit or even as a morning meal dish. It is particularly famous during the mango season in Thailand, which commonly falls between Spring and July.

Lately, mango sticky rice has earned worldwide respect and can be found in Thai cafés and dessert shops around the world. Its remarkable taste and wonderful show make it a darling treat for both locals and guests alike. On the off chance that you have the chance to attempt mango sticky rice, it is certainly a treat worth encountering.

Sure! Here’s a simple recipe for making mango sticky rice:

Ingredients of Mango Sticky Rice Recipe:

  • 1 cup sticky rice (glutinous rice)
  • 1 ½ cups coconut milk
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2 ripe mangoes
  • Toasted sesame seeds or crispy mung beans (optional, for garnish)

Instructions of Mango Sticky Rice Recipe:

  1. Flush the sticky rice under cool water until the water runs clear. Then, at that point, place the rice in a bowl and cover it with water. Allow it to douse for no less than 4 hours or short-term.
  2. In the wake of dousing, channel the rice and move it to a liner fixed with cheesecloth or a steaming bushel. Steam the rice over medium heat for around 25–30 minutes, or until it turns out to be delicate and sticky.
  3. While the rice is steaming, make the coconut sauce. In a pan, combine the coconut milk, sugar, and salt. Heat the combination over medium heat, blending sometimes, until the sugar disintegrates and the sauce marginally thickens. Eliminate the pan from the intensity and put it away.
  4. When the sticky rice is cooked, move it to a bowl. Pour half of the coconut sauce over the rice and delicately fold it in to equally cover the rice. Allow the rice to sit for around 10 minutes to assimilate the flavours.
  5. While the rice is resting, strip and cut the mangoes into meagre strips or solid shapes.
  6. To serve, place a piece of the sticky rice on a plate or in a bowl. Top it with cuts or solid shapes of mango. Shower a portion of the excess coconut sauce over the mangoes. Alternatively, you can decorate with toasted sesame seeds or firm mung beans for added surface.
  7. Partake in the mango sticky rice while it’s actually warm or at room temperature.


Note: On the off chance that you don’t have a liner, you can cook the sticky rice in a rice cooker or on the burner as per the directions on the bundling. Change the cooking time and water proportions appropriately.

That’s all there is to it! You have a delectable mango sticky rice fit to be delighted in. A great pastry impeccably balances the pleasantness of mangoes with the smooth and sticky surface of rice.

Here is the approximate nutritional information for mango sticky rice per serving:

Amount Percentage (%)*
Calories 400
Total Fat 15g 23%
Saturated Fat 13g 65%
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 100mg 4%
Carbohydrates 65g 22%
Fiber 2g 8%
Sugars 25g
Protein 5g
Vitamin A 20%
Vitamin C 25%
Calcium 4%
Iron 15%

*Rates depend on a 2,000-calorie diet and may shift contingent upon the serving size and explicit fixings utilised.

Kindly note that the dietary benefits can fluctuate depending on the particular brand or sort of fixings utilised in the recipe. It’s generally really smart to allude to the bundling or counsel a nutritionist for more exact and nitty-gritty data in view of your particular necessities and dietary prerequisites.

Mango rice offers a few likely advantages because of its fixings. Here are a portion of the advantages related to this wonderful treat:

  1. Nutrient-rich: Mango Sticky rice contains a few fundamental supplements. Sticky rice gives starches energy, while mangoes are plentiful in nutrients like L-ascorbic acid and vitamin A, as well as dietary fibre. Furthermore, the coconut milk utilised in the recipe contains solid fats and significant minerals like iron and potassium.
  2. Antioxidant properties: Mangoes are known for their high cancer prevention agent content, especially L-ascorbic acid and different phytonutrients. Cell reinforcements assist with safeguarding the body against oxidative pressure, which can prompt constant sickness and maturing.
  3. Digestive health: Sticky rice and mangoes both contain dietary fibre, which is significant for maintaining a solid stomach-related framework. Fibre advances customary defecations, helps with processing, and generally supports stomach wellbeing.
  4. Energy boost: Sticky rice is a starch-rich food that can give a fast jolt of energy. The mix of starches from Sticky rice and normal sugars from mangoes can give a wellspring of energy to the body.
  5. Hydration: Coconut milk, a critical fixing in mango Sticky rice, is a decent wellspring of electrolytes like potassium. Electrolytes assist with maintaining appropriate hydration and liquid equilibrium in the body.
  6. Satisfaction and satiety: The blend of Sticky rice, mangoes, and coconut milk offers a rich and fulfilling sweet. The Sticky surface and regular pleasantness of the dish can give a feeling of extravagance, assisting with fulfilling desires and advancing satiety.

It’s significant that while mango rice offers likely advantages, it is as yet a treat and ought to be consumed with some restraint as a feature of a reasonable eating routine. Moreover, individual dietary requirements and medical issues might shift, so it’s really smart to talk with a medical care professional or nutritionist for customised advice.

All in all, mango sticky rice is a scrumptious and well-known dessert that originated in Thailand and has earned worldwide respect for its novel mix of flavours and surfaces. It consolidates the delicate and tacky surface of glutinous rice with the sweet and succulent newness of ready mangoes, all supplemented by a rich coconut sauce.

This superb sweet fulfils the taste buds as well as offering possible advantages. It gives fundamental supplements like sugars, nutrients, and minerals. The cell reinforcement properties of mangoes assist with safeguarding the body against oxidative pressure, while the fibre content supports stomach-related wellbeing. Mango sticky rice can likewise give a fast jolt of energy and assist with keeping up with hydration.

Nonetheless, it’s critical to appreciate mango rice with some restraint as a feature of a reasonable eating regimen, taking into account individual dietary necessities and medical issues. By relishing this magnificent sweet capably, you can enjoy its delectable flavours and experience a sample of Thailand’s culinary legacy.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Is sticky rice and mango good for you?

Indeed, sticky rice and mango can be a solid choice when consumed with some restraint as a feature of a reasonable eating routine.

Why do people eat mango sticky rice?

Individuals eat mango sticky rice since it is a well-known and tasty conventional Thai pastry that consolidates the pleasantness of ready mangoes with the velvety and tacky surface of glutinous rice. It is ordinarily delighted in during the mango season as a reviving treat.

What does mango sticky rice taste like?

Mango sticky rice is a magnificent Thai sweet that offers an exceptional mix of flavours. The dish includes a blend of sweet glutinous rice, ready-made mango cuts, and a rich coconut sauce. The taste can be depicted as an amicable equilibrium of sweet, rich, and tropical flavours. The sticky rice has a marginally chewy surface, while the ready mango adds a succulent and fruity component. The coconut sauce carries a rich and fragrant pleasantness to the general taste, making it a tasty and fulfilling treat.

How is mango sticky rice eaten?

Mango sticky rice is commonly eaten by joining the sweet glutinous rice with ready mango cuts and sprinkling it with a coconut milk sauce. It is usually enjoyed by spooning a part of the sticky rice onto a plate or bowl, putting mango cuts on top or as an afterthought, and pouring the coconut milk sauce over the rice. The dish is then combined as one delicately prior to being eaten.

Can I eat sticky rice on a diet?

While sticky rice can be a flavorful addition to numerous cooking styles, taking into account its effect on your diet is significant. sticky rice is moderately high in starches and can cause a fast expansion in glucose levels. On the off chance that you are following a low-carb or low-glycemic diet, it is fitting to consume tacky rice with some restraint or pick elective grain choices like earthy-coloured rice or quinoa.

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