Chicken Recipes

chicken korma recipe | chicken korma instant pot

introduction of chicken korma:

Chicken korma is a well-known dish from the Indian subcontinent. It is a superb and fragrant curry made with chicken pieces cooked in a smooth and tenderly seasoned sauce. The dish is known for its rich and smooth surface, accomplished by solidifying a blend of flavours, yoghurt, and cream.

For the most part, chicken korma is prepared by marinating the chicken in a blend of yoghurt and flavours like ginger, garlic, turmeric, and garam masala. The marinated chicken is then drowsily cooked in a smooth sauce created utilising a mix of onions, tomatoes, cashews, and fragrant flavours like cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves. The sluggish cooking process permits the flavours to merge together and brings about delicate, delicious chicken pieces that are infused with the fragrant flavours.

Chicken Korma is a flexible dish that can be redone as indicated by private inclinations. A few varieties might incorporate the addition of almonds, raisins, or saffron to upgrade the extravagance and flavour. It is commonly presented with fragrant basmati rice, naan bread, or roti.

This tasty curry is darling for its gentle and velvety taste, making it a famous choice for people who favour milder flavours or are new to Indian cooking. The blend of delicate chicken and fragrant flavours makes a genuinely fulfilling and soothing dish that is delighted in by individuals all over the planet.

chicken korma recipe:

Sure! Here’s a simple recipe for Chicken Korma:

Ingredients of chicken korma:

  • 500 grams boneless chicken, cut into pieces
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 2 teaspoons ginger paste
  • 2 teaspoons garlic paste
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon red chili powder (adjust according to your spice preference)
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon garam masala
  • 1 cup plain yogurt, whisked
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • Salt to taste
  • Fresh cilantro leaves, chopped (for garnish)

Instructions of chicken korma instant pot:

  1. Heat the vegetable oil in an immense holder or skillet over medium heat.
  2. Add the cut onions and sauté until they become splendid brown.
  3. Add the ginger paste and garlic paste to the holder and cook for about a second until fragrant.
  4. In a little bowl, combine the turmeric powder, red stew powder, ground coriander, ground cumin, and garam masala.
  5. Add this flavour blend to the dish and cook briefly, mixing well to evenly cover the onions.
  6. Add the chicken parts to the dish and cook until they are softly seared on all sides.
  7. Decrease the intensity to low and add the whisked yoghurt to the container. Mix well to consolidate the yoghurt with the flavours and coat the chicken.
  8. Cover the container and let the chicken cook in the yoghurt mixture for around 15–20 minutes, or until it is cooked through and delicate.
  9. Mix in the heavy cream and season with salt to taste. Cook for 5 extra minutes to allow the flavours to merge together.
    Embellish with newly hacked cilantro leaves prior to serving.
  10. Chicken Korma is best enjoyed with steamed basmati rice, naan bread, or roti.Note: Go ahead and change the flavor levels and consistency of the sauce as indicated by your taste inclinations. You can likewise add nuts like cashews or almonds for additional surface and wealth whenever you want.Partake in your natively constructed Chicken Korma!

chicken korma recipe

pro tips for chicken korma:

Here are a few tips to improve your chicken korma cooking experience:

  1. Marinate the chicken: For additional tasty and delicate chicken, marinate it in a combination of yoghurt and flavours for something like 30 minutes or up to expedite in the fridge. This assists the chicken in retaining the flavours and making it more delicate.
  2. Toast and toil entire flavours: For an additional explosion of flavour, toast entire flavours like cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves in a dry pan for a little while prior to crushing them. Newly ground flavours will add a more fragrant touch to your chicken korma.
  3. Slow-cook for better character: Permit the chicken to stew in the sauce over low heat to foster rich flavours. Slow cooking assists the flavours in implanting into the meat and makes a more heavenly and delicate dish.
  4. Utilise a blend of onions and tomatoes: The mix of onions and tomatoes frames the foundation of the sauce in Chicken Korma. Sauté the onions until brilliant brown, and cook the tomatoes until they separate and release their juices. This will give a sweet and tart flavour profile to the dish.
  5. Change the flavour levels: Chicken Korma can be made gentle or hot, as indicated by your inclination. Change how much red bean stew powder you use or add green chilies to increase the intensity. Taste and change the flavours as you cook to achieve the ideal flavour balance.
  6. Wrap up with cream or yoghurt: To achieve a smooth and tasty surface, mix in weighty cream or yoghurt towards the end of cooking. This adds wealth and perfection to the sauce. Change the sum in light of your ideal consistency.
  7. Embellish with new spices: Not long prior to serving, decorate your chicken korma with newly slashed cilantro leaves or mint leaves. This adds an energetic touch and a reviving flavour.
  8. Match with integral sides: Serve Chicken Korma with fragrant basmati rice, naan bread, or roti to absorb the flavorful sauce. You can likewise add a side of cucumber raita or a new plate of mixed greens to adjust the flavours.

Make sure to customise the recipe in view of your taste inclinations and analysis with various fixings and strategies to make your ideal chicken korma. Partake simultaneously and enjoy the superb flavours of this exemplary dish!

nutrition of chicken korma:

Here’s an approximate nutritional breakdown of Chicken Korma per serving:

Nutrient Amount Per Serving
Calories 350-400 kcal
Protein 20-25 grams
Carbohydrates 10-15 grams
Fat 25-30 grams
Fiber 2-4 grams
Sodium 500-600 mg
Cholesterol 70-80 mg

If it’s not too much trouble, note that these qualities might fluctuate depending on the particular fixings and cooking strategies utilised. It’s generally really smart to work out the dietary data in light of the specific recipe and fixings you use.


Chicken korma offers a few expected benefits because of its nutritious fixings and cooking techniques. Here are a few possible advantages:

  1. Excellent protein: Chicken is an incredible wellspring of lean protein, which is fundamental for building and fixing tissues, advancing muscle development, and supporting a solid, insusceptible framework.
  2. Fundamental supplements: Chicken Korma contains different fundamental supplements, for example, the nutrients B6 and B12, which are significant for energy creation, cerebrum capability, and the arrangement of red platelets. It likewise gives minerals like zinc, phosphorus, and selenium, which play a part in safe capability, bone wellbeing, and cell reinforcement.
  3. Flavours with potential medical advantages: The flavours utilised in Chicken Korma, like turmeric, ginger, garlic, and coriander, offer potential medical advantages. Turmeric contains curcumin, which has mitigating and cell-reinforcing properties. Ginger and garlic might uphold absorption, decrease irritation, and lift resistance capability. Coriander is a decent source of cell reinforcement and may have antimicrobial properties.
  4. Adjusted flavours and fragrances: Chicken Korma is a tasty dish that joins a mix of flavours, including onions, tomatoes, and cream. Partaking in an even and delectable feast can upgrade fulfilment and satiety, advancing careful dietary patterns.
  5. Adaptability and customization: Chicken Korma can be redone to suit individual inclinations and dietary necessities. You can change the flavour levels, utilise low-fat yoghurt or coconut milk for a lighter rendition, and integrate extra vegetables or nuts to improve the healthful profile.

It’s critical to take note that the general advantages of chicken korma will likewise depend upon segment sizes, cooking strategies (e.g., limiting added fats), and the general equilibrium of your eating routine. Getting a charge out of chicken korma as a component of a balanced, varied, and adjusted diet can contribute to a nutritious and pleasant dinner.

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What is the difference between chicken korma and chicken curry?

Chicken Korma and Chicken Curry are both well-known dishes in Indian food; however, they contrast as far as their flavour profiles, fixings, and cooking strategies. Here are the principal distinctions between chicken korma and chicken curry: Flavour and Zest Level: Chicken Korma: Korma is known for its gentle, smooth, and rich flavour. It is, by and large, less zesty compared with curry. Korma sauce is made with a blend of yoghurt, cream, or coconut milk, which gives it a sumptuous and luxurious surface. Chicken Curry: Chicken curry can differ in flavour and zest level depending on the district and recipe. It commonly has a more hearty, fragrant, and spicier taste. Curry dishes frequently utilise various flavours, for example, turmeric, cumin, coriander, stew powder, and garam masala. Fixings: Chicken Korma: Korma normally incorporates fixings like yoghurt, cream, or coconut milk, alongside a mix of flavours like cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. It might likewise contain ground almonds, cashews, or other nuts to add lavishness and thickness to the sauce. Chicken Curry: Curry dishes can have a great many fixings; however, normal parts incorporate onions, garlic, ginger, tomatoes, and different flavours. A few provincial varieties might consolidate fixings like curry leaves, mustard seeds, fenugreek, or tamarind for extra character. Cooking Technique: Chicken Korma: Korma is frequently prepared by marinating the chicken in a combination of flavours and yoghurt, which softens the meat. The chicken is then cooked gradually in the korma sauce until it is delicate and infused with flavours. Chicken Curry: Curry is normally cooked by sautéing onions, garlic, and ginger in oil or ghee, then adding flavors and different fixings like tomatoes. The chicken is added and stewed in the curry sauce until it is completely cooked. It's quite important that these distinctions fluctuate in light of territorial varieties and individual recipes. The expressions korma and curry can incorporate many arrangements, so the particular qualities can vary contingent upon the recipe or the culinary specialist's translation.

What is korma curry made of?

Korma curry is a famous dish in Indian food that regularly consists of meat or vegetables cooked in a smooth, flavoured sauce. The fixings utilised in korma curry can change contingent upon territorial and individual inclinations, yet here are the normal parts: Meat or Vegetables: Korma can be made with different proteins like chicken, sheep, hamburger, or even vegan choices like paneer (Indian cheddar), potatoes, or blended vegetables. Yoghurt or cream: The velvety base of korma curry is accomplished by adding yoghurt or weighty cream. Yoghurt is often utilised in customary recipes, while cream is preferred for a more extravagant and smoother surface. Onions and Garlic: Finely hacked onions and garlic are normally sautéed towards the start of the cooking process to give a delightful base to the curry. Flavours: Korma is regularly prepared with a mix of sweet-smelling flavours. Normal flavours incorporate ground coriander, cumin, turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and cove leaves. These flavours give the curry its particular flavour. Nuts and Seeds: To add lavishness and profundity, korma frequently incorporates fixings like almonds, cashews, or poppy seeds. These are frequently doused and ground into a glue, which is then added to the curry. Ghee or Oil: Ghee, an explained margarine, or oil is utilised for cooking the curry. Ghee adds a rich, nutty flavour, while oil gives an unbiased base. Different Flavourings: Extra flavourings might incorporate ginger, green chilies, new cilantro, and a spot of saffron for an additional bit of extravagance. The cooking system regularly includes marinating the meat or vegetables in a combination of yoghurt and flavours and, at that point, stewing them in the rich sauce until they are delicate and very well cooked. Korma curry is frequently enjoyed with rice, naan bread, or roti.

What is the Flavour of a korma?

The kind of korma described is a rich and fragrant mix of flavours with a velvety and gently flavoured sauce. Korma is a famous dish in Indian and Pakistani food, known for its tasty and liberal taste. The flavours utilised in korma can fluctuate, yet they normally incorporate a mix of sweet-smelling flavours like cumin, coriander, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. The dish frequently consolidates fixings like yoghurt, cream, or coconut milk to make a rich base for the sauce. These fixings assist with adjusting the flavours and creating a gentle and smooth flavour profile. Korma can be made with different proteins like chicken, sheep, hamburger, or vegetables, and the choice of protein adds its own remarkable taste to the dish. Generally, this kind of korma is frequently portrayed as rich, gently flavoured, and fragrant, with a velvety and extravagant surface. A well-known decision for those who favour milder and less fiery curries.


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