Meat RecipesWinter Recipes

seekh kebab | seekh kebab recipe

Introduction to Seekh Kebab:


Seekh kebab is a famous and scrumptious dish from the Indian subcontinent. It is a delightful and delicious kebab made by marinating minced meat with different flavours and afterward spearing it on a seekh (metal or bamboo stick) prior to barbecuing or grilling it flawlessly. The expression “seekh” alludes to the stick used, while “kebab” means the strategy for cooking.

Generally, seekh kebab is made using minced sheep or lamb, but it can likewise be prepared with different meats like chicken, beef, or even vegan options like paneer (Indian curds) or blended vegetables. The meat is finely minced and joined with a mix of sweet-smelling flavours like ginger, garlic, green chilies, cumin, coriander, and garam masala, which lend it a rich and powerful flavour.

The minced meat combination is then formed around the stick in lengthy round and hollow shapes, looking like frankfurters, and cooked over hot coals, in an oven (an earth stove), or on a barbecue. This strategy confers a smoky and scorched flavour to the kebabs, upgrading their taste and surface.

Seekh kebabs are known for their delicious and delicate surface, attributable to the marination interaction and the barbecuing procedure. In many cases, they are filled in as a tidbit or as a feature of a fundamental course, joined by mint chutney, tamarind chutney, or a press of lemon juice. They can be appreciated all alone, enveloped by naan bread, or added to biryanis or rice dishes for an additional eruption of flavour.

These flavorful kebabs have acquired colossal fame in India as well as in different nations all over the planet. Seekh kebabs are a popular choice at grills, gatherings, and road food slowdowns, tempting individuals with their captivating smell and scrumptious taste.

With their overwhelming mix of flavours and delicate meat, seekh kebabs keep on being a darling culinary joy, esteemed for their rich flavours and superb eating experience.

The Origin and History of Seekh Kebab:

Seekh kebab is a well-known dish in South Asia, especially in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. A sort of kebab is customarily made by spearing and barbecuing minced meat blended with different flavours. “Seekh” alludes to the stick used to cook the kebab, while “kebab” alludes to the actual dish.

The beginning of seekh kebab can be traced back to the Middle East, where the idea of speared meat dishes was created. The strategy of barbecuing meat on sticks over an open fire was normal in old Persia (cutting-edge Iran) and was subsequently embraced by different districts. As shipping lanes extended, this culinary practise ventured out to various areas of the planet, including South Asia.

In South Asia, seekh kebab became well known during the archaic period and was vigorously affected by the Mughal Domain, which administered the Indian subcontinent from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries. The Mughals were known for their extravagant way of life and love for rich and tasty food. Seekh kebab was one of the dishes that acquired prominence during this time.

The kebabs were normally made using finely minced meat, typically sheep or hamburger, despite the fact that varieties utilising chicken, fish, or veggie fixings are likewise accessible. The meat was blended in with a mix of flavours and spices, like ginger, garlic, cumin, coriander, and stew powder, to upgrade its flavour. The combination was then moulded onto long, level metal sticks known as seekhs and cooked over a charcoal barbecue or in an oven (a customary dirt stove).

Seekh kebabs are known for being smoky and scorched on the outside while remaining delicious and delicate inside. They are frequently presented with new naan bread, mint chutney, and cut onions as backups. Seekh kebabs are regularly enjoyed as canapés, snacks, or as a primary course in different South Asian cooking styles.

Over the long run, seekh kebab recipes have advanced, and different territorial varieties have arisen. Every area adds its own exceptional touch to the dish by integrating neighbourhood flavours and cooking strategies. Seekh kebabs have additionally acquired ubiquity around the world, with numerous Indian and Pakistani cafés serving them as a feature of their menu.

Today, seekh kebab keeps on being a beloved and notable dish, addressing the rich culinary legacy of South Asia. Its tasty and sweet-smelling profile, combined with the intelligent experience of pierced barbecuing, makes it the number one choice among meat darlings and food lovers alike.

Seekh kebab recipes:

Sure! Here’s a simple recipe for making Seekh Kebabs:

Ingredients for Seekh Kebabs:


  • 500 grammes of minced meat (lamb, beef, or chicken)
  • 1 medium-sized onion, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons of ginger-garlic paste
  • 2 green chilies, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon of freshly chopped coriander leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of freshly chopped mint leaves
  • 1 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1 teaspoon of coriander powder
  • 1 teaspoon garam masala
  • 1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder (adjust according to your spice preference)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil for grilling
  • Metal or bamboo skewers

Instructions for Seekh Kebabs:


  1. In an enormous blending bowl, combine the minced meat, hacked onion, ginger-garlic glue, green chilies, coriander leaves, mint leaves, cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala, red bean stew powder, lemon juice, and salt. Blend well to guarantee every one of the fixings is equally consolidated.
  2. Cover the bowl with stick wrap and let the blend marinate in the cooler for something like 60 minutes, permitting the flavours to merge together.
  3. Preheat your barbecue or broiler to medium-high intensity.
  4. On the off chance that you are using bamboo sticks, soak them in water for 30 minutes prior to using them to keep them from consuming.
  5. Take a small bunch of the marinated meat combination and shape it around a stick, squeezing immovably to frame a long, round, and hollow kebab. Rehash this cycle with the excess combination and sticks.
  6. Brush the kebabs with a little oil to prevent them from adhering to the barbecue.
  7. Put the speared kebabs on the preheated barbecue or in the broiler and cook for around 10–12 minutes, turning every so often, until they are uniformly caramelised and cooked through.
  8. Once cooked, remove the kebabs from the sticks and serve hot.
  9. Seekh kebabs can be enjoyed as a tidbit with mint chutney or as a primary course with naan bread, rice, and salad.

Note: Seekh kebabs can likewise be cooked on a burner by shallow searing them in a skillet until they are brilliant brown on all sides.Partake in your hand-crafted seekh kebabs!

Serving suggestion for seekh kebab:

Seekh kebabs are amazingly flexible and can be served in different ways. The following are a couple of serving ideas:

  1. Appetiser: Serve seekh kebabs as a tidbit at gatherings or social affairs. Organise them on a platter and top with new coriander leaves. Go with them with mint chutney, tamarind chutney, or a fiery yoghurt plunge for plunging.
  2. Kebab Platter: Make a kebab platter by consolidating seekh kebabs with other kebab assortments like chicken tikka, reshmi kebab, or roasted prawns. Serve them with a choice of chutneys, cut onions, and lemon wedges for a superb combination of flavours.
  3. Kebab Wrap: Wrap seekh kebabs in warm naan bread or tortillas alongside a new plate of mixed greens fixings, cut onions, and a shower of yoghurt sauce. It makes for a scrumptious and fulfilling kebab wrap, ideal for a quick dinner in a hurry.
  4. Biryani or Rice Dish: Add seekh kebabs to your number one biryani or rice dish. Just hack the cooked kebabs into more modest pieces and blend them into the cooked rice prior to serving. This adds an explosion of flavour and protein to the dish.
  5. Seekh Kebab Curry: Change the seekh kebabs into a tasty curry. Set up a tomato-based curry sauce, and tenderly stew the cooked seekh kebabs in the sauce for a couple of moments until they are very much covered. Serve the seekh kebab curry with rice, naan, or roti.
  6. Salad Topping: Cut the cooked seekh kebabs and use them as a fixing for servings of mixed greens. Add them to a bed of leafy greens, alongside cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and a dressing of your choice. The kebabs will add a protein-rich component to the plate of mixed greens.

Make sure to embellish your seekh kebabs with new coriander leaves, a crush of lemon juice, or a sprinkle of chaat masala for an additional eruption of flavour. These serving ideas will assist you with appreciating seekh kebabs in various ways, taking care of various inclinations and events.

Pro tips for seekh kebab:

Here are a few master tips to assist you with making tasty seekh kebabs:

  1. Minced Meat: Use minced meat with a decent equilibrium of fat and lean meat. This guarantees succulent and delicate kebabs. Sheep or a mix of sheep and hamburger are normally used for legitimate flavour, but you can likewise use chicken or meat whenever you like.
  2. Marination: Permit the meat blend to marinate for no less than 60 minutes, ideally short-term, in the cooler. This permits the flavours to inject themselves and improves the flavour of the kebabs.
  3. Skewering Technique: Wet your hands with water or oil prior to forming the meat mixture onto the sticks. This keeps the mixture from adhering to your hands and makes it simpler to equitably shape the kebabs.
  4. Cooking Method: Seekh kebabs are customarily barbecued over charcoal for that real smoky character. In any case, you can likewise cook them on a barbecue dish, in the broiler, or on a burner. Guarantee that the cooking surface is preheated well prior to setting the kebabs to prevent sticking.
  5. Basting: Brush the kebabs with a touch of oil or ghee while cooking to keep them soggy and add flavour. This likewise assists in accomplishing a wonderful, brilliant brown with shading on the kebabs.
  6. Avoid overcooking: Cook the kebabs until they are cooked through yet delicate and delicious. Overcooking can result in dry and intense kebabs. Watch out for the cooking time to keep them from turning out excessively dry.
  7. Resting Time: Permit the cooked kebabs to rest for a couple of moments prior to serving. This assists with holding their juices and permits the flavours to settle, bringing about additional tasty kebabs.
  8. Serve with Fresh Accompaniments: Serve seekh kebabs with new mint chutney, tamarind chutney, cut onions, lemon wedges, and naan bread or rice. These backups supplement the kinds of kebabs and upgrade the general eating experience.

By following these expert tips, you’ll have the option to make delicious seekh kebabs that are tasty, succulent, and delicate. Partake in your scrumptious handcrafted seekh kebabs!

nutrition of seekh kebab:

Here is the approximate nutritional information for Seekh Kebab, based on a 100-gramme serving:

Nutrient Amount Percentage
Calories 313 kcal
Total Fat 22.1 g 34%
Saturated Fat 8.7 g 44%
Cholesterol 78 mg 26%
Sodium 630 mg 26%
Carbohydrates 2.1 g 0.7%
Fibre 0.5 g 2%
Protein 26.4 g 52.8%

Kindly note that these qualities are inexact and can shift contingent upon the particular fixings and cooking techniques utilised. It’s consistently smart to allude to the nutrition data given by the particular recipe or fixing brand for additional, exact qualities.

benefits of seekh kebab:

Seekh kebabs offer a few advantages, essentially because of their fixings and cooking strategies. Here are a few likely advantages to consuming seekh kebabs:

  1. Protein Source: Seekh kebabs are made basically from minced meat, which is a rich wellspring of great protein. Protein is fundamental for the development, fixation, and upkeep of tissues, muscles, and organs in the body.
  2. Nutrient-rich: Seekh kebabs frequently incorporate fixings like onions, ginger, garlic, and different flavours. These fixings give fundamental nutrients, minerals, and cell reinforcements that contribute to general wellbeing and prosperity.
  3. Balanced Macronutrients: Seekh kebabs offer an equilibrium of macronutrients, including proteins, fats, and sugars. The protein content helps keep you satisfied, while the fats give energy and add to the flavour and surface of the kebabs.
  4. Cooking Method: Seekh kebabs are normally barbecued, which requires less oil compared with profound searing. Barbecuing lessens the general fat content while keeping up with the succulence and flavour of the kebabs.
  5. Versatility: Seekh kebabs can be made with various sorts of meats or even veggie-loving choices like paneer or vegetables. This considers adaptability in taking special care of individual dietary inclinations and requirements.
  6. Flavorful and Aromatic: Seekh kebabs are loaded with sweet-smelling flavours like ginger, garlic, cumin, and coriander, which add scrumptious flavour as well as different medical advantages. For instance, ginger and garlic are known for their potential mitigating and resistance-helping properties.
  7. Portion Control: Seekh kebabs are generally served in stick-measured segments, which assists with segment control and forestalls gorging. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who are aware of their calorie consumption or want to maintain a solid weight.

It’s quite significant that the general health benefits and potential medical advantages of seekh kebabs can differ in view of the particular fixings used and the cooking techniques used. It’s dependably prudent to pick lean cuts of meat, control how much added fat or oil is added, and match seekh kebabs with a fair eating regimen comprising various supplement-rich food sources.

disadvantages of seekh kebab:

While seekh kebabs can be a delectable and fulfilling food decision, there are a couple of expected burdens to consider:

  1. High Fat Content: Seekh kebabs are regularly made with minced meat, which can have a higher fat content, particularly whenever made with greasy cuts of meat or, on the other hand, on the off chance that extra fats are added during planning. Exorbitant consumption of high-fat food sources can contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of cardiovascular issues when consumed in enormous amounts.
  2. Sodium Content: Seekh kebabs frequently contain added salt and flavours, which can contribute to a higher sodium consumption. Unnecessary sodium utilisation might prompt expanded circulatory strain and pose dangers to people with specific medical issues, like hypertension or kidney issues. It is critical to be aware of general sodium consumption and consider balance while consuming seekh kebabs.
  3. Cooking Method and Potential Carcinogens: Barbecuing seekh kebabs at high intensity can prompt the development of heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic sweet-smelling hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are possibly destructive mixtures. These mixtures can form when meat is cooked at high temperatures, particularly when fat trickles onto the heat source. To limit openness to HCAs and PAHs, it is prudent to stay away from exorbitant singing and to consider marinating the meat with spices and flavours that can go about as normal cell reinforcements.
  4. Processing and Additives: Locally acquired or pre-bundled seekh kebabs might contain additives, added substances, and flavour enhancers. These fixings might actually have negative wellbeing impacts for people who are sensitive to specific added substances or have explicit dietary limitations.
  5. Allergenic Ingredients: Seekh kebabs frequently incorporate normal allergenic fixings like onions, garlic, or explicit flavours. People with sensitivities or aversions to these fixings need to practise caution or look for elective recipes that suit their dietary necessities.

It’s vital to take note that the potential inconveniences referenced above can shift contingent upon the particular recipe, fixings, and cooking techniques utilised. Picking more streamlined cuts of meat, practising control, and planning seekh kebabs at home utilising new fixings can assist with relieving a portion of these worries. Likewise with any food, equilibrium and balance are critical to getting a charge out of seekh kebabs as a component of a solid and varied diet.


All in all, seekh kebabs are a famous and tasty dish from the Indian subcontinent. These kebabs are made by marinating minced meat with a mix of sweet-smelling flavours, moulding the combination onto sticks, and barbecuing them flawlessly. Seekh kebabs offer a few advantages, including being a decent wellspring of protein, giving fundamental supplements from fixings like onions and flavours, and offering flexibility regarding meat choices or vegan options. In any case, it’s vital to consider potential burdens, for example, their high fat and sodium content, the arrangement of possibly destructive mixtures during barbecuing, and the presence of added substances in locally acquired assortments. By being aware of piece sizes, deciding on more streamlined cuts of meat, directing sodium consumption, and planning seekh kebabs at home with new fixings, one can appreciate them as a feature of a reasonable and varied diet. Seekh kebabs keep on being a darling culinary pleasure, loved for their rich flavours and wonderful eating experience.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Pakistani kebab called?

The Pakistani kebab is commonly known as Seekh Kebab.

Is kebab a Pakistani dish?

Indeed, kebab is a well-known dish in Pakistan. It is a sort of barbecued or broiled meat readiness that began in the Middle East and has been adjusted in different foods, including Pakistani cooking. Kebabs are regularly made with minced or ground meat, like beef, chicken, or sheep, blended in with flavours and barbecued flawlessly. They are delighted in as a flavorful road food or filled in as a fundamental course in Pakistani families.

What is the difference between sheek and shami kebab?

The primary distinction between sheek kebab and shami kebab lies in their fixings and readiness strategies. Sheek kebab, otherwise called seekh kebab, is produced using minced or ground meat (like sheep or hamburger) blended with different flavours and moulded onto sticks prior to being barbecued or simmered. Then again, shami kebab is produced using a combination of ground meat (regularly sheep or beef) and lentils, along with flavours and, at times, extra fixings like onions and spices. The combination is then moulded into patties and shallow-seared or sautéed.

Is kebab meat halal?

Indeed, kebab meat can be halal. Halal alludes to food that is allowable as per Islamic dietary regulations. On account of kebab meat, it tends to be viewed as halal on the off chance that it meets the necessities set out by Islamic dietary rules, for example, being ready with halal-ensured meat and following explicit butchering rehearsals.

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