Fast Food Recipe

chicken enchiladas with progresso soup

Introduction to Chicken Enchiladas with Progresso Soup:

Chicken enchiladas are a darling Mexican dish known for their delightful mix of delicate chicken, rich cheddar, and fiery enchilada sauce, all enveloped by warm tortillas. In any case, imagine a scenario where we let you know there’s a mysterious fixing that can elevate this exemplary recipe to an unheard-of degree of scrumptiousness. Enter Progresso soup, a storeroom staple that can add profundity and lavishness to your chicken enchiladas more than ever. It’s a fast food recipe.

In this culinary excursion, we will tell you the best way to plan chicken enchiladas with Progresso soup, a basic yet brilliant combination that will leave your taste buds moving. Whether you’re an accomplished home cook or simply beginning to investigate the universe of Mexican food, this recipe will please your faculties and become a go-to #1 for family suppers and social events.

With a couple of key fixings and some simple-to-follow steps, you’ll be headed for a heavenly dinner that consolidates the soothing flavours of customary enchiladas with the comfort of Progresso soup. Thus, we should take the plunge and find out how to make these tasty chicken enchiladas with progresso soup, a dish that is certain to become a beloved addition to your recipe assortment.

Chicken enchiladas with Progresso soup recipe:

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 25 minutes Total time: 40 minutes Servings: 4

Chicken enchiladas with Progresso soup ingredients:

For the enchiladas:

  • 2 cups shredded cooked chicken (rotisserie chicken works well)
  • 1 can (15 ounces) of black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 cup corn kernels (fresh, frozen, or canned)
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup chopped green onions
  • 1/2 teaspoon chilli powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 8 small flour tortillas (about 6 inches in diameter)

For the Progresso Soup Sauce:

  • 1 can (19 ounces) of Progresso Chicken Enchilada Soup

For topping (optional):

  • Additional shredded cheese
  • Sliced jalapeños
  • Chopped fresh cilantro
  • Sour cream
  • Salsa

Instructions for chicken enchiladas with Progresso soup:

  1. Preheat your broiler to 375°F (190°C).
  2. In an enormous blending bowl, combine the destroyed chicken, dark beans, corn, destroyed cheddar, hacked green onions, stew powder, ground cumin, salt, and pepper. Combine everything as one until very much joined.
  3. In a different pan, heat the Progresso Chicken Enchilada Soup over low to medium heat until it’s warmed through. This will be the delectable sauce for your enchiladas.
  4. To collect the enchiladas, take a tortilla and spoon a liberal measure of the chicken and bean combination onto the middle. Roll up the tortilla firmly and place it crease side down in a lubed 9×13-inch baking dish.
  5. Rehash this cycle with the excess tortillas.
  6. Pour the warm Progresso soup sauce equitably over the rolled-up enchiladas in the baking dish.
  7. Whenever wanted, sprinkle some extra destroyed cheddar on top for additional messiness.
  8. Cover the baking dish with aluminium foil and cook in the preheated broiler for around 20–25 minutes, or until the enchiladas are warmed through and the cheddar is softened and effervescent.
  9. Once finished, remove the enchiladas from the broiler and let them cool for a couple of moments.
  10. Embellish with cut jalapeos, hacked cilantro, harsh cream, and salsa, on the off chance that you like.
  11. Serve hot and partake in your chicken enchiladas with Progresso soup!These enchiladas are not difficult to make and are inconceivably delightful because of the expansion of Progresso soup. They make for a delightful and scrumptious dinner that your loved ones will cherish. Appreciate!

Here’s a table showing the approximate nutritional percentages for Progresso Chicken Enchilada Soup based on a standard serving size, typically 1 cup (240 ml):

Nutrient Amount per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 120 6%
Total Fat 3g 5%
Saturated Fat 1g 5%
Trans Fat 0g 0%
Cholesterol 10mg 3%
Sodium 890mg 37%
Total Carbohydrates 18g 6%
Dietary Fibre 2g 8%
Sugars 3g
Protein 6g 12%
Vitamin D 0mcg 0%
Calcium 20mg 2%
Iron 1mg 6%
Potassium 0mg 0%

*Percentage day-to-day values depend on a 2,000-calorie diet.

Kindly note that these qualities can shift marginally contingent upon the particular brand and recipe of Progresso Chicken Enchilada Soup, so it’s generally really smart to check the sustenance mark on the item for exact data. These rates are additionally adjusted and can shift in light of your individual dietary requirements.

  1. Choose quality ingredients:
    Select a decent-quality Progresso Chicken Enchilada Soup for the best flavor. The nature of the soup can essentially affect the last dish.
  2. Customise your filling:
    Go ahead and get imaginative with the filling. You can add diced ringer peppers, sautéed onions, or even some diced green chilies for additional flavour and surface.
  3. Precook the tortillas:
    Warm the tortillas momentarily in a dry skillet or microwave prior to gathering the enchiladas. This makes them more flexible and less inclined to tear during rolling.
  4. Use rotisserie chicken:
    Rotisserie chicken is an efficient device and adds a delightful, prepared flavour to your enchiladas. Shred the chicken for a simple fuse.
  5. Don’t overstuff the tortillas:
    Abstain from overburdening the tortillas with filling. A moderate sum guarantees that you can move them up effectively without them blasting open.
  6. Seam Side Down:
    While setting the rolled tortillas in the baking dish, ensure the creased side is facing up. This keeps them from disentangling while at the same time baking.
  7. Sauce Control:
    Be mindful of how much Progresso soup you pour over the enchiladas. A lot of it can make them wet. Go for the gold while not overpoweringly covering.
  8. Add extra cheese:
    For cheddar sweethearts, go ahead and sprinkle extra destroyed cheddar on top of the enchiladas prior to baking. It makes a superb, gooey outside layer.
  9. Baking Time:
    Watch out for your enchiladas while they heat. You maintain that they should be warmed through and the cheddar softened and gently caramelised on top. Regularly, 20–25 minutes at 375°F (190°C) function admirably, yet stove temperatures can fluctuate.
  10. Rest Before Serving:
    Permit the enchiladas to rest for a couple of moments after removing them from the stove. This helps set the filling and makes them simpler to serve without going to pieces.
  11. Garnish Creatively:
    Modify your trimmings to suit your taste. Cut jalapeos, slashed cilantro, harsh cream, and a press of lime juice are famous choices.
  12. Serve with sides:
    Match your chicken enchiladas with sides like Spanish rice, refried beans, or a fresh plate of mixed greens for a balanced dinner.
  13. Make It Ahead:
    You can set up the enchiladas ahead of time, refrigerate them, and prepare them when ready. Simply make certain to change the baking time, assuming they’re cold from the refrigerator.By following these master tips, you’ll be well on your way to making scrumptious chicken enchiladas with Progresso soup that are certain to dazzle your family and visitors. Partake in your tasty and encouraging dinner!

Picking chicken enchiladas with Progresso soup can be a helpful and tasty choice in light of multiple factors:

  1. Convenience: Progresso soup is known for its benefits. It comes in ready-to-eat jars, making it simple to set up a speedy and fulfilling dinner. When matched with chicken enchiladas, you have a generous and filling supper without the requirement for broad cooking or planning.
  2. Flavour Enhancement: Progresso offers an assortment of soup enhancers that can supplement chicken enchiladas. For instance, a smooth soup like Progresso’s Smooth Chicken Wild Rice can add a smooth surface and additional extravagance to your enchiladas, upgrading their general flavour profile.
  3. Versatility: Progresso soup isn’t restricted to only one kind of food or flavor. You can look over a great many choices, for example, tomato-based soups, vegetable soups, or stock-based soups. This permits you to alter your feast to your own taste inclinations.
  4. Nutritional Value: Progresso soups frequently contain vegetables and can add extra supplements to your dinner. This can be especially beneficial in the event that you’re hoping to integrate additional vegetables into your eating regimen along with the protein from the chicken in the enchiladas.
  5. Time-saving: Consolidating chicken enchiladas with Progresso soup can save you time in the kitchen. Rather than making a different side dish, you can serve soup close by your enchiladas for a balanced dinner significantly quicker.
  6. Comfort Food: Soup and enchiladas are both solace food sources for some individuals. The mix of warm, exquisite soup and tasty enchiladas can be particularly consoling on a cold day or when you’re looking for a comfortable, fulfilling feast.

In outline, picking chicken enchiladas with Progresso soup can give accommodation, a flavour upgrade, flexibility, a healthy benefit, efficient advantages, and the solace of a generous feast. A mix offers both taste and comfort for a delightful supper.

While I can’t give continuous surveys, starting around my last information update in September 2021, I can share a few general bits of knowledge and conclusions about chicken enchiladas made with Progresso soup in light of normal culinary encounters:

  1. Convenience Factor: Numerous commentators value the comfort of using Progresso soup as an easy route to make enchilada sauce. It’s viewed as an efficient device, particularly for busy weeknight meals.
  2. Consistent Flavour: Progresso’s Chicken Enchilada Soup, for the most part, gets positive surveys for its tasty and lively taste. Individuals frequently notice that it gives a steady and fulfilling base for the enchiladas.
  3. Family-Friendly: Families with kids frequently find this recipe engaging in light of the fact that Progresso soup will in general have a taste that appeals to a large number of palates, including those of fastidious eaters.
  4. Customization: Commentators regularly notice that they partake in the adaptability of modifying the filling and fixings to suit their inclinations. This considers imagination in the kitchen.
  5. Cost-Effective: Progresso soup is often considered a financially savvy decision for making tasty chicken enchiladas without buying an extensive rundown of individual fixings.
  6. Overall Satisfaction: Many home cooks and food lovers view chicken enchiladas with Progresso soup as a wonderful and encouraging dinner. The mix of delicate chicken, cheddar, and fiery sauce is often depicted as a victor.
  7. Versatility: A few commentators notice that they value the flexibility of Progresso soup in different recipes, not simply enchiladas. It tends to be used in other Mexican-motivated dishes or as a fixing in soups and goulashes.

It’s critical to take note that singular preferences can differ, and certain individuals might favour making their enchilada sauce without any preparation for a more customised character. In any case, for those looking for a fast and tasty feast, chicken enchiladas with Progresso soup can be a dependable and charming choice.

For the latest and nitty-gritty audits, you might need to check online recipe sites, food web journals, or cooking discussions, where you can find firsthand records and tips from people who have attempted this recipe all the more as of late.


Chicken enchiladas made with Progresso soup can be a heavenly and helpful dish to get ready. Taking everything into account, these enchiladas offer a few benefits:

  1. Flavorful Convenience: Progresso soup adds profundity and flavour to the enchilada sauce, lessening the requirement for numerous fixings and tedious preparation.
  2. Time-saving: Using canned soup speeds up the sauce-production process, making this recipe ideal for busy weeknight meals.
  3. Versatility: You can try different things with various Progresso soup flavours to make exceptional enchilada varieties, from rich mushroom to tomato basil.
  4. Simplicity: The recipe works on the enchilada sauce by utilising Progresso soup as a base, making it novice-friendly and diminishing the gamble of overseasing.
  5. Cost-Effective: Canned soup is, for the most part, reasonable, making this recipe’s spending plan amicable.

In any case, it’s important to note that using Progresso soup may not give a similar legitimate taste to making enchilada sauce without any preparation. Furthermore, a few canned soups might contain added substances or additives, so checking the label for fixings that meet your dietary inclinations and restrictions is prudent.

All in all, chicken enchiladas with Progresso soup offer a helpful and delightful feast choice, particularly for those looking for a fast and simple supper arrangement.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is enchilada soup made of?

Enchilada soup commonly consists of a delightful stock or base produced using tomatoes, bean stew peppers, and different flavors. It's then loaded up with fixings like destroyed chicken or hamburger, beans, corn, onions, and sometimes rice. Cheddar and tortilla strips are frequently added as fixings.

Why are my chicken enchiladas soggy?

Chicken enchiladas can become spongy in the event that there's an overabundance of dampness in the filling or, on the other hand, if they're overcooked. To forestall this, try to empty the excess fluid out of fixings like cooked chicken and vegetables prior to gathering the enchiladas. Additionally, heat them just until the cheddar is softened and effervescent, commonly around 20–25 minutes at 350°F (175°C).

What do you eat with chicken enchiladas?

Chicken enchiladas are frequently presented with sides like Mexican rice, refried beans, guacamole, and harsh cream for a delectable and fulfilling dinner.

Why is Progresso soup so good?

Progresso soup is known for its quality since it utilises excellent fixings like genuine vegetables, meat, and tasty flavors. The sluggish cooking process upgrades the flavours, bringing about a heavenly and good soup.

Is Progresso a healthy soup?

Progresso offers an assortment of soup choices, and the healthful substance can change between items. To decide whether a particular Progresso soup is solid, you ought to check the nourishment mark on the bundling. Search for lower sodium and fat content and pick soups with additional vegetables and lean protein for a better choice.

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