Chicken RecipesWinter Recipes

chicken salad no celery

Healthy Chicken salad no celery:

The chicken salad without celery is a great and flexible dish that offers an invigorating option in contrast to the exemplary chicken salad. This assortment is great for people who may not be inclined towards celery or are looking for a lighter and sans-crunch decision.

The groundwork of the salad generally consists of sensitive, cooked chicken chests, obliterated or diced into downsized pieces. To update the flavour and surface, various trimmings are added, similar to mayonnaise or Greek yoghurt for perfection, Dijon mustard for a tart kick, and different flavours for getting ready.

For added pleasantness and crunch, a few varieties of this chicken salad consolidate fixings like diced apples, grapes, or nuts. These components contribute an explosion of flavour and a wonderful surface that supplements the delicious chicken. It’s a winter recipe.

One of the upsides of the no-celery chicken salad is its versatility. You can customize it as indicated by your inclinations, integrating fixings like cranberries, cleaved ringer peppers, or scallions for an additional layer of taste and variety.

Serve the chicken salad on a bed of new greens, as a sandwich filling, or close by wafers for a magnificent feast. Its effortlessness, combined with its adaptability to modify, makes this dish a well-known choice for snacks, picnics, or social events where a light and delightful choice is wanted. Whether you’re staying away from celery or basically looking for another interpretation of the work of art, the chicken salad without celery is a delectable and fulfilling decision.

Cranberry Pecan Chicken Salad
Cranberry Pecan Chicken Salad
  1. Versatility: The chicken salad without celery offers a versatile option for those who want to enjoy a classic dish without the presence of celery, allowing for a broader appeal.
  2. Customization: This variation allows for easy customization to suit personal taste preferences. Whether you favour a creamier surface with mayonnaise or a lighter choice with Greek yoghurt, you have the opportunity to fit the dressing however you would prefer.
  3. Texture Variation: By excluding celery, this chicken salad gives a smooth and sans crunch insight, making pursuing it an ideal decision for people who may not partake in the ordinary freshness related to celery.
  4. Flavor Enhancements: Incorporating ingredients like Dijon mustard, herbs, and spices elevates the flavor profile of the chicken salad without relying on celery, ensuring a delicious and well-seasoned dish.
  5. Sweet and Crunchy Options: The addition of diced apples, grapes, or nuts introduces sweetness and crunch, enhancing the overall taste and providing a satisfying textural contrast to the tender chicken.
  6. Adaptability: This chicken salad can be easily adapted to suit various occasions, whether served on a bed of fresh greens, as a sandwich filling, or alongside crackers. Its adaptability makes it suitable for a range of meals and settings.
  7. Personalization: Individuals can personalize the recipe further by adding ingredients like cranberries, chopped bell peppers, or scallions, allowing for a customized culinary experience.
  8. Simplicity: The simplicity of the chicken salad without celery makes it a straightforward and accessible option for those seeking a quick and easy meal without compromising on flavor.
  9. Light and Refreshing: The absence of celery results in a lighter and refreshing chicken salad, making it an appealing choice for those who prefer a cleaner and more straightforward taste.
  10. Popular Choice: Due to its adaptability and broad appeal, the chicken salad without celery has become a popular choice for lunches, picnics, and gatherings where a light and flavorful option is desired.
Easy Cranberry Pecan Chicken Salad Recipe:

Sure thing! Here’s a simple recipe for chicken salad without celery:

Chicken Salad (No Celery) Recipe:


  • 2 cups cooked chicken breast, shredded or diced
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cup diced apples
  • 1/2 cup grapes, halved
  • 1/4 cup chopped nuts (e.g., walnuts or almonds)
  • Fresh herbs (such as parsley or dill), finely chopped


  • Large mixing bowl
  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Spoon or spatula for mixing


  1. In a huge blending bowl, consolidate the cooked chicken, mayonnaise, and Dijon mustard. Blend well until the chicken is equally covered.
  2. Season the blend with salt and pepper to taste. Change the flavouring as per your inclinations.
  3. Add the diced apples, split grapes, cleaved nuts, and new spices to the bowl. Tenderly crease the fixings together until very much joined.
  4. Taste the chicken salad and make any extra changes in accordance with the flavouring if necessary.
  5. Cover the bowl and refrigerate the chicken salad for no less than 30 minutes to allow the flavours to merge.


  • Serve the chicken salad chilled.
  • Enjoy it on a bed of fresh greens, as a sandwich filling, or with crackers.
  • Garnish with additional herbs or a sprinkle of nuts for a decorative touch.


  • Preparation Time: 15 minutes
  • Refrigeration Time: 30 minutes

This chicken salad without celery is a quick and delicious option for a light meal or snack. Feel free to adjust the ingredients and quantities based on your preferences. Enjoy!

  1. This chicken salad variety gives a flexible option in contrast to the people who favour a celery choice.
  2. Tweak the dressing by picking either mayonnaise or Greek yoghurt in light of individual taste inclinations.
  3. The shortfall of celery brings about a smooth and without crunch surface, taking special care of the people who may not partake in the common freshness of celery.
  4. Raise the flavour profile with fixings like Dijon mustard, spices, and flavours for a very well-prepared and heavenly dish.
  5. Add diced apples, grapes, or nuts for pleasantness and crunch, improving the general taste and giving a delightful textural contrast.
  6. Adjust the recipe for different events—serve on greens, as a sandwich filling, or close by wafers.
  7. Customise further by integrating fixings, for example, cranberries, hacked ringer peppers, or scallions to mix it up.
  8. The effortlessness of this chicken salad makes it an open choice for a fast and simple dinner without settling for less on taste.
  9. Partake in a light and reviving experience, ideal for people who lean towards a cleaner and more direct flavour.
  10. Because of its versatility and expansive allure, the chicken salad without celery has become a famous choice for snacks, picnics, and get-togethers where a light and delightful choice is wanted.
  1. Serve the chicken salad chilled for ideal newness.
  2. Consider putting a liberal part on a bed of leafy greens for a light and healthy salad.
  3. Use it as a tasty filling for sandwiches or wraps, adding a wonderful bend to your lunch.
  4. Go with the chicken salad with a side of entire grain wafers or fresh bread for a delightful crunch.
  5. Embellish the dish with extra new spices, like parsley or dill, for a pop of variety and added flavor.
  6. For a relaxed assembling or excursion, pack the chicken salad in individual holders for simple serving.
  7. Match it with cut avocado or a wedge of lemon for an additional explosion of newness.
  8. Present the salad in an outwardly engaging manner by organizing it on a platter and embellishing with a sprinkle of cleaved nuts.
  9. Consider serving the chicken salad in lettuce cups for a low-carb choice that is both scrumptious and reviving.
  10. Supplement the dish with a side of natural product, as cut grapes or apple wedges, to adjust the flavors and surfaces.
  1. Change the mayonnaise or Greek yoghurt amounts in view of individual inclinations for a creamier or lighter surface.
  2. Explore different avenues regarding various spices like tarragon or chives to add one-of-a kind and sweet-smelling notes to the chicken salad.
  3. To enhance the nuttiness, softly toast the hacked nuts prior to adding them to the salad.
  4. For a tart curve, get new lemon juice into the dressing or sprinkle zing over the completed dish.
  5. Guarantee the chicken is completely cooled prior to blending to keep the dressing from turning out to be excessively flimsy.
  6. In the event that you are utilising extra-cooked or barbecued chicken, shred it for a more finished and delightful salad.
  7. Taste and change the flavouring subsequent to refrigerating, as flavours will quite often strengthen after some time.
  8. Add a dash of honey or maple syrup for a smidgen of pleasantness that supplements the flavorful components.
  9. Prep the fixings early; however, blend the salad near effectively, keeping up with ideal newness.
  10. For a more strong flavour, let the salad sit in the fridge for a couple of hours or expedite to permit the fixings to merge.
Nutrient Amount per Serving (grams) % Daily Value
Calories 250
Total Fat 15g 23%
Saturated Fat 3g 15%
Cholesterol 70mg 23%
Sodium 400mg 17%
Total Carbohydrate 5g 2%
Dietary Fiber 1g 4%
Sugars 3g
Protein 25g 50%
Vitamin D 1mcg 5%
Calcium 50mg 5%
Iron 2mg 11%
Potassium 300mg 9%

Note: Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000-calorie diet. Individual calorie needs may vary.

Cranberry Pecan Chicken Salad Calories:

The chicken salad without celery typically contains around 250 calories per serving. Keep in mind that actual calorie content may vary based on specific ingredients and portion sizes used in the recipe.

  1. Loaded with Protein: The chicken in the salad gives a significant measure of protein, which is fundamental for muscle wellbeing and generally body capability.
  2. Supplement Rich Greens: Serving the salad on a bed of greens adds nutrients, minerals, and cell reinforcements, adding to a supplement rich feast.
  3. Sound Fats: The inclusion of nuts in the salad brings solid fats, offering benefits for heart wellbeing and satiety.
  4. Low Starch Choice: With negligible carbs, this salad is reasonable for those going for the gold carb or keto-accommodating dinner.
  5. Flexible Nourishing Profile: The capacity to tweak fixings considers a flexible healthful profile, obliging different dietary necessities and inclinations.
  6. Weight The executives: The protein and sound fats assist with advancing a sensation of completion, supporting weight on the board, and diminishing the probability of indulging.
  7. Adjusted Flavour: The mix of exquisite chicken, sweet natural products, and crunchy nuts makes an even flavour profile that fulfils the taste buds without depending on added sugars or ver-the-top  salt.
  8. New and Hydrating: The salad’s fixings add to general hydration, particularly while consolidating hydrating natural products like grapes.
  9. Dietary Adaptability: The shortfall of celery makes this salad reasonable for people who might have sensitivities or inclinations against celery.
  10. Fast and Helpful: As a speedy and simple dish to plan, it offers a helpful choice for those with occupied ways of life while still giving a nutritious feast.
  1. All in all, the chicken salad without celery is a flexible and nutritious choice that takes special care of different dietary inclinations.
  2. With its protein-rich chicken, supplement-stuffed greens, and an adaptable blend of foods grown from the ground, it offers a balanced and delightful eating experience.
  3. The shortfall of celery makes it a comprehensive decision for those with explicit taste inclinations or sensitivities.
  4. This salad upholds weight with its blend of protein and solid fats, advancing a sensation of totality.
  5. The fair flavour profile, made without unreasonable sugars or salt, makes it a healthy and fulfilling dish.
  6. Its fast and helpful planning makes it an ideal go-to for people with busy plans who actually focus on a nutritious feast.
  7. Whether delighted in all alone, as a sandwich filling, or on a bed of greens, the chicken salad without celery is a tasty and versatile choice for different events.
  8. Generally, it stands apart as a solid and delightful other option, demonstrating that nutritious eating can be both straightforward and charming.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

How many calories in a cranberry pecan chicken salad?

The cranberry pecan chicken salad typically contains around 350 calories per serving.

What is cranberry salad made of?

Cranberry salad normally incorporates new cranberries, sugar, orange zing, cleaved apples, and, in some cases, nuts.

What can I add to chicken salad to give it more flavor?

Consider adding a hint of lemon squeeze, a sprinkle of new spices like cilantro or basil, and a spot of smoked paprika for an explosion of flavour.

Is Cranberry salad good for you?

Cranberry salad can be a solid choice, as cranberries are plentiful in cell reinforcements and nutrients. Notwithstanding, the general soundness relies on the fixings utilised, like the dressing and extra garnishes.

Is chicken salad high in calories?

Chicken salad's calorie content changes in light of the fixings. Barbecued chicken with veggies and a light dressing can be a low-calorie choice; however, look out for unhealthy ingredients like rich dressings or seared garnishes.


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